The Park is open... again, in everyone's living room, since Jurassic World hit shelves yesterday! Following today's earlier interview with Jurassic Park veteran BD Wong with IGN where he discussed his hopes for his character, a new interview with the film's heroine, Bryce Dallas Howard has been uploaded to YouTube thanks to The Bryce Dallas Howard Network fan group. During the interview, Bryce mentions that Jurassic World 2 will begin filming in 2017, which makes perfect sense, since the sequel is currently slated for a June 2018 release date.
When asked about what she knew about the sequel so far, Bryce seemed more than excited, repeating "It's awesome... it's awesome!", but obviously she couldn't release any specific details beside the fact that they will begin shooting in 2017.
From a previous interview with the film's director, Colin Trevorrow, we know that Bryce's character, Claire will be the primary focal point of the new trilogy. Her character is said to evolve the most over the course of the next two films as she and Owen (Chris Pratt) attempt to keep the peace and humanity safe from a new world where Dinosaurs will roam relatively free. The official plot direction for Jurassic World 2 is still up in the air, but what we know for sure is that the Dinosaurs won't be confined to a single island or two and that InGen's plans to weaponize the Dinosaurs for war are still very much at large. Check out Bryce's extended interview below!
Thanks to JPLegacy on Twitter for the heads up!
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