Jurassic World Movies

Jurassic World 2 will be bigger, more suspenseful, feature new Dinosaurs and utilize more animatronics!

Scified2016-09-30 15:13:45https://www.scified.com/articles/jurassic-world-2-be-bigger-more-suspenseful-feature-new-dinosaurs-utilize-more-animatronics-13.jpg
Written by Chris14,271 Reads7 Comments2016-09-30 15:13:45

Jurassic World 2 will see the introduction of new Dinosaurs, feature more animatronics wherever possible and will be significantly more suspenseful than Jurassic World was! These points and a lot more were discussed recently by Colin Trevorrow, Juan Antonio Bayona and our friends over at Jurassic Outpost, on their latest podcast episode.

Throughout the interview, Jack, Chris and Colin discuss the inspiration behind the upcoming Jurassic World sequel, with Colin emphasizing how Jurassic World 2 will both draw inspiration from, as well as expand upon the concept present in the original Michael Crichton novels. He even confirms that there will be original quotes from Crichton's novels in the film.

Colin also adds how he was not a fan of the "militarized Dinosaur" idea that's been floating around the internet since Jurassic World 2's announcement, saying the following:

I'm not that interested in militarized dinosaurs, at least not in practice. I liked it in theory as the pipe dream of a lunatic [Hoskins]. When that idea was first presented to me as part of an earlier script it was something that the character that ended up being Owen was for, that he supported, something that he was actively doing even at the beginning. Derek and I, one of our first reactions was ‘No if anyone’s gonna militarize raptors that’s what the bad guy does, he’s insane.’

The group also discussed the new Dinosaurs which will be present in Jurassic World 2, with Colin explaining how the sequel will feature many new Dinosaurs, but "real" Dinosaurs - ones which actually walked the Earth. The designs of these new Dinosaurs will also fall in line with the rest of Stan Winston's creations, he reassured.

Moving along the topic of animatronics came up, with Colin explaining that the lack of animatronics in Jurassic World were primarily due to budgetary constraints; an issue Colin and Bayona are not as concerned about with Jurassic World 2, given the film's larger budget. 

To sum things up, it sounds like Jurassic World 2 will significantly kick the franchise up a notch, focusing less on awe and wonder and more so on chaos and the turmoil associated with bringing Dinosaurs back to life. With Spielberg, Trevorrow and Bayona working diligently to improve and propel the franchise forward, we're chomping at the bit to learn more.

Be sure to head over to Jurassic Outpost to listen to the entire podcast.

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I Meme Everything

MemberAllosaurusSep-30-2016 6:44 PM

Pro: No militarised dinosaurs

Con: Less sense of awe and wonder


MemberTriceratopsSep-30-2016 11:17 PM



MemberCompsognathusOct-01-2016 9:56 PM

More suspense is gooood! For anyone who hasn't seen it, I strongly suggest watching Bayona's "The Impossible"

A bigger budget means the dinosaurs will be portrayed as animals again, right?!?!? Not as monsters?? I hope so!!


AdminIndoraptorOct-01-2016 10:25 PM

Thanks for the suggestion jpjoe84, I'll definitely be looking that one up!


MemberCompsognathusOct-02-2016 10:04 AM

I just hope the add a carnotaurus and it has some screen time.


MemberTriceratopsOct-03-2016 10:35 PM

@kkong3983 A Carnotaurus will be a great addition indeed! Many people wish to see different dinosaurs in Jurassic World 2 and i am interested to see their opinions. Me i want to see the comeback of Spinosaurus! In Jurassic World Rexy destroyed the Spinos skeleton which was a great cameo and if they add Carnotaurus,it will be interesting to see how the filmmakers portray it!

I Meme Everything

MemberAllosaurusOct-08-2016 5:58 AM

^I concur with Shiro

Glad they won't use militarised dinosaurs, cause that's bull.  Thanks for this news, Chris.

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