Jurassic World Movies

Jurassic World - The Monster Movie!

Scified2015-06-20 02:41:39https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/4479021231767595.png
Written by Gavin7,683 Reads5 Comments2015-06-20 02:41:39

Cinema, since its inception has striven to bring magnificent, amazing and wondrous imagery onto the canvas of the 'big screen'. One of the first such images of awe is the legendary 1895 movie L'Arrivée d'un train en gare de La Ciotat, directed and produced by French brothers Auguste and Louis Lumiere. The fifty second short showed a steam locomotive pulling into a station from afar; the static camera placed close to the edge of platform is reported to have caused panic at the movies premiere showing in January 1986. Since then movies have amazed and awestruck with both beautiful and frightening imagery of wonders above and beyond our imagination; be it an army of sword bearing skeletons fighting real life actors, a giant Gorilla scaling the Empire State Building, a space station spinning silently amidst the blackness of space, a caped man flying among the clouds, or a Tyrannosaurus Rex bellowing aloud as its strides free from its enclosure.

Blockbuster Hollywood movies have always sought to amaze us with spectacles beyond our comprehension, taking our dreams and our nightmares from the secret depths of our psyche and painting them across the cinema screen, as though they were real. But the best filmmakers, the best directors take your most desired fantasy and turn it into your innermost fear. What if the thing you desired came at a cost too dear to justify your dream, what if ET turned out to be Jaws? What if everyone's desire to see Dinosaurs made flesh again could be used to recreate the monster movie genre. This is what Steven Spielberg set out to do, and achieved with 1993's Jurassic Park, and new director Colin Trevorrow has taken one step further with this summers record breaking Jurassic World.

Despite all of the controversy from scientists and the dedication from dinosaur loving fans, the fact is that the Jurassic Park movies and the latest instalment Jurassic World are nothing more than monster movies. Dinosaurs, the magnificent and wonderous creatures that once ruled this world are not the stars of these films. The stars of these films are abominations, hybrids, monsters. The much beloved Velociraptor was in actuality no taller than a turkey, the real Dilophosaurus was taller than depicted, had no frill and spat no paralysing venom, and the fan favorite T-Rex was likely adorned from head to toe in proto-feathers.

While the new movies antagonist Dinosaur, the Indominus Rex has been likened to an analogy of an audiences greed and apetite for things to get bigger, louder and more extravagant to maintain interest, the hybrid creature can also be used as analogy of the franchise that brought it into being; the Indominus Rex and the Jurassic Park franchise are monster movies disguised as Dinosaur flicks – wolves in sheeps clothing.


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Nathan Alvarez

MemberCompsognathusJun-20-2015 8:03 AM

I think in some aspects, the Jurassic Park / World franchises will always be considered a monster movie. What separates it from other monster movies is the attention to detail concerning backstories and how exactly these "monsters" came to be. Most of the time they are regarded as animals, which is awesome to see. 

G. H. (Gman)

AdminTyrannosaurus RexJun-20-2015 11:19 AM

But all monster movies, especially giants, have psuedo-science applied as backstories to their origins. The over-the-top theroies in Jurassic World are no more plausible in a fictional world than others. And while characters in these movies may regard them as animals, the movies frame them as characters. In the original movie, the Velociraptors, and the way the camera shot their scenes, the way John Williams underscored them and the way they were treated by the film's director (Spielberg), were villains-- Antagonists we were rooting for the main characters to overcome.

The same can be said for the Indominus Rex. The creature has even more anthropomorphic characteristics and monster-movie qualities than the original Raptors. "Killing for sport," tricking its captors into thinking it's already escaped, clawing out its implant, etc. Owen claims this thing, "isn't a dinosaur." And he's right. The movie basically reached out and said it's not a dinosaur. It's a movie monster. And this movie monster is defeated by the film's movie monster "heroes" in the end: T-Rex and the Raptor framed as heroes, not as animals.

As much as fans can try to spin it, Jurassic World has less to do with logic, science and even dinosaurs and more to do with having fun with movie monsters. It's a Godzilla/King Kong movie in disguise.


MemberCompsognathusJun-20-2015 5:40 PM

"Dinosaur flicks." -Sums it up.

Which I can agree, the movies contain some sense and element of dinosaurs but, still are monsters, just built to be like dinosaurs = which means they're considered dinosaurs but they're genetically modified/mutated = which results as monsters = but still "dinosaurs", cause of their imagery based upon old theories and imagination of dinosaurs (*MAJOR DIFFERENCE between this film and most monster films)...get what I'm saying? So yes it's a monster film, but possess a small fraction of scientific reality of dinosaurs. Which makes me like the Jurassic Park franchise, it sounds more realistic than a flame dragon or a gigantic ape the size of a T-rex. A very nice disguise for a monster movie, which proves to be fun, entertaining, and special in a sense of used nature.  


MemberCompsognathusJun-23-2015 1:18 PM


The franchise was never meant to be a monster movie, even though that's how JP3 put it. The dinosaurs are just animals doing what they must to survive, they don't kill because it's just what they do.


MemberAllosaurusJun-23-2015 5:44 PM

Umm... The first two never really made think of them as monsters. It showd them as animals.

Wanting to reproduce, feed, and simply live on. The 3rd one, not so much. The Lost World show how the T. rex's wanted to protect their baby at all costs. Not very monster like to me...

Jurassic World is of course, different, it wants to show how unnatural all the organisms are.

But the first Jurassic Park movie is not a monster movie to me, it shows mans consequences of trying to tamper and control nature.

Also, it explains in Jurassic World and Jurassic Park how they put frog DNA and other animals' DNA into the dinosaurs' gentic code, modifying them to lose feathers.

It really is not that hard to put two and two together folks.

Velociraptor is bigger because it was thought that Velociraptor was a sub-species of another dinosaur, and Spielberg wanted it bigger for movie purposes.

The Dilophosaurus was given a frill and venom to show the unpredictability of cloning extinct animals.


But that's just me.

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