Jurassic World Movies

Official Jurassic Park channels tease new Logo and social media direction!

Scified2016-07-17 10:03:11https://www.scified.com/articles/jurassic-park-social-media-teases-new-logo-social-media-direction-90.jpg
Written by Matt5,255 Reads0 Comments2016-07-17 10:03:11

Jurassic World 2 continues to remain one of the most hotly anticipated sequels of the next few years. However there has not been that much news regarding the film due to the increased security regarding the plot details of the movie. Today, Universal made drastic changes to their social media accounts on Twitter, separating Jurassic Park from the Jurassic World twitter handle.

The handles were initially merged when Jurassic World came out in theaters, with Jurassic Park formally being changed to 'Jurassic World'. But now that they are separate again it has fueled speculation as to what it could possibly mean with Universal's marketing plan.

The first instance to note is that the Jurassic Park logo is substantially different in the Jurassic Park twitter. The logo being used is an alternate version of the Jurassic Park logo, which is extremely interesting. In addition the tagline has been changed from "The park is open" to "Dinosaurs rule the earth" in both twitter accounts as well. While to early for any confirmation, it may signal a new direction for the franchise. 

The separation is also highly significant in what it could mean in terms of its timing. It is possible that this means that official Jurassic World 2 news could be forthcoming, including a title. It could also mean that the title may not use 'Jurassic World' as a subtitle, although this is still speculation at the moment. In any event, this is extremely exciting news, and we at Scified will update as we learn more!

Jurassic World 2 will be released on June 22, 2018. The film has not yet been given an official title. Bryce Dallas Howard and Chris Pratt will return to play Claire Dearing and Owen Grady in the film. The movie will be directed by Juan Antonio Bayona, who has directed 'The Impossible.

Source: Twitter

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