Jurassic World Movies

Jurassic Park lead Sam Neill really enjoyed Jurassic World!

Scified2016-01-25 06:35:36https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/1735467853237793.jpg
Written by Chris2,452 Reads0 Comments2016-01-25 06:35:36

Speaking to Uproxx, star of the original Jurassic Park and Jurassic Park 3, Sam Neill, who portrayed the series' character Alan Grant, dicussed what he thought of Colin Trevorrow's Jurassic World as well as what he thought of the new generation of characters. To sum things up, Sam was quite pleased with how they executed the new installment and he is definitely a fan of the new characters. Here's a few excerpts from the interview where he talks Jurassic World:

Uproxx: When Jurassic World came out, was that something you felt that you had to see?

Sam Neill: I was very curious to see it and I’m happy to see it, and I thought they did a really good job. And the actors were real good.

When you were watching it, are you just like, “My character has been through this twice. Why are they still hanging out with those creatures?”

I can’t run as fast as those guys anymore. Even with high heels. I’d be left for dead.

They referenced the first movie a lot.

They certainly referenced it a lot.

They didn’t want to just forget it exists.

Yeah, I think it was respectful.

Despite not casting any of the holy Jurassic trinity in Jurassic World, it's nice to see Sam Neill praising the new film and the franchise's new direction.

It has been suggested that original cast members of the original Jurassic Park may be thrown back into the plot in Jurassic World 2which begins filming early 2017. I think I speak for most JP fans reading this, it would be fantastic to see some familiar faces in Jurassic World 2.

Source: Uproxx

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