James Cameron, known for his sci-fi cinematic masterpieces such as Aliens, The Terminator, Termimator 2: Judgement Day and Avatar nearly took the reigns for Universal's film adaptation of Jurassic Park back in the early 90s. During a recent interview with The Huffington Post, Cameron explained that Steven Spielberg beat him to the punch by only a few hours when he decided he wanted to secure the rights to Michael Crichton's original novel. After seeing what Spielberg did with the film however, Cameron admitted his version of Jurassic Park would not have been as child-friendly and would have been "much nastier":
...when I saw the film, I realised that I was not the right person to make the film, he [Spielberg] was. Because he made a dinosaur movie for kids, and mine would have been Aliens with dinosaurs, and that wouldn't have been fair.
As wonderous and iconic as Spielberg's Jurassic Park was and forever will be, it is still intriguing to think of what might have come of the franchise, had James Cameron secured the film's rights a few hours earlier. Would you have liked to see Cameron's take on Jurassic Park? Let us know in the comments section below!
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