Jurassic World Movies

Jake Johnson Confirms His Involvement in Jurassic World!

Scified2014-03-26 13:28:21https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/41144091290285.png
Written by Chris2,379 Reads4 Comments2014-03-26 13:28:21

After months of speculation, actor Jake Johnson has finally confirmed his involvement in the fourth Jurassic Park movie, Jurassic World! The news comes to us from The Huffington Post who recently conducted an interview with Johnson. Below is an excerpt from the interview where they discuss Jurassic World:

Did you get involved with "Jurassic World" because of Colin Trevorrow, who directed you in "Safety Not Guaranteed"?

Absolutely. Now, I'm also a huge fan of "Jurassic Park." When I was growing up and "Jurassic Park" came out, I freaked out like every other kid. I was born in '78, so I was, like, 12. If it wasn't Colin and someone said they wanted me in "Jurassic Park," I would jump on it. The fact that it's Colin, written by Derek Connolly (who wrote "Safety Not Guaranteed") and both those guys are personal friends, I'd go through a wall.

You can read the entire interview now on The Huffington Post

Happy to know Jake Johnson will be in Jurassic World? Let us know by commenting below! Be sure to check JurassicWorld-Movie.com for more news and updates as filming begins next month!

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MemberAllosaurusMar-26-2014 6:32 PM

Pfft. Screw this, I want Jeff Goldblum.

JP Carnotaur

MemberCompsognathusMar-26-2014 7:32 PM

Good cast list so far but I agree with raptor401 I would like to see Ian Malcolm in JW.


MemberCompsognathusMar-27-2014 9:01 PM

Don't worry 401 We always have the cut out of him...


Also, I feel like he kinda used his closeness to colin to get in the film.

Phantom Raptor

MemberCompsognathusMar-30-2014 12:21 AM

I’m thinking Johnson will be playing the part of Ed Regis (in case you haven’t read the novel, Regis was a publicist who worked for InGen. The character was written out of the first movie, though a few of his qualities, like his nervousness and cowardice are given to the film's version of Donald Gennaro. Gennaro's death during the T. Rex attack in the film is also reminiscent of Regis's demise). 

This is totally speculation my part, but Johnson seems like a good fit for this role (no offence to the guy!). 

He’s not a lead role, we know that much, and he isn’t going to be playing the ‘villain’ (that will be Vincent D’onofrio). It just makes sense that with the park being re-opened and after all the bad publicity InGen has received over the last 22years, hiring a publicist would be a damn good idea on Patels’ part... and it’s pretty common in movies to see certain book characters get fused with other characters, or introduced at different times. 

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