Jurassic World Movies

JA Bayona is studying the Crichton novels to prepare for the Jurassic World sequel!

Scified2016-04-26 15:50:05https://www.scified.com/articles/ja-bayona-is-studying-the-crichton-novels-to-prepare-for-the-sequel-34.jpg
Written by Matt4,404 Reads2 Comments2016-04-26 15:50:05

Ever since JA Bayona was confirmed to be directing the Jurassic World sequel, anticipation for the movie has been extremely high. Bayonne is known primarily as a horror director, one who has a great sense of dramatic tension. Recently, Bayona gave a hint at the possible influences for the Jurassic World sequel during a recent interview with Eleconomista. 

"At the moment Im reading all of Michael Crichton's novels to immerse myself in the mind of Crichton," Bayona commented during an interview with the outlet. "[They] have a vision of fantasy blended with reality - something that can also be felt in writings from authors such as Philip K. Dick"

This news is extremely exciting that Bayona is studying the novels. The novels contain many elements that the franchise has not touched on yet. Many of the novels elements are also in a decidedly darker tone, which is another element of the novel that Bayona may be studying.

Bayonne may also be studying the novels as a means of integrating additional elements from the novels such as the philosophical themes that were echoed in the first two Jurassic Park films. If the Jurassic World sequel does indeed factor in the cloning technology no longer being Ingen exclusive, as Colin Trevorrow has mentioned before, it may be possible a central theme could include this. Please let us know what you think of the possible direction Bayona's comments may indicate in the comments!

The Jurassic World sequel will release June 22, 2018. The film will be directed by JA Bayona and produced by Colin Trevorrow. Bryce Dallas Howard and Chris Pratt have both been confirmed to return. Further casting is unknown at this time.

Source: eleconomista via JPLegacy

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AdminIndoraptorApr-26-2016 4:05 PM

Good to know he'll be familiar with the source material. I hope this isn't the first time he's reading them though. Wonder what original concepts might make their way into Jurassic World 2! Thanks for posting this up Matt.

I Meme Everything

MemberAllosaurusApr-26-2016 6:35 PM

Has he at least seen the films?  He's directing a sequel to the latest one.

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