Joe Mazzello, known for his role as a child playing Tim Murphy in Steven Spielberg's Jurassic Park and The Lost World, might be joining the rest of the returning Jurassic Park cast in Jurassic World 3!
Filming for the third (and final) Jurassic World movie officially kicks off tomorrow and many of the original Jurassic Park cast including Sam Neill, Laura Dern and Jeff Goldblum have already announced their return. Tim and Lex Murphy were just as integral to the Jurassic Park plot as the previously mentioned trio, but have not been featured in the new Jurassic World franchise yet.
In a cryptic tweet today, Mazzello tweeted the following:
Get back to work? We suspect he means Jurassic World 3, otherwise this is a very very major coincidence.
Let us know what you think! Are you excited to see Tim Murphy return in Jurassic World 3? Sound off in the comments!
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