Jurassic World Movies

InGen Helicopter Spotted Above Jurassic World Set!

Scified2014-04-29 17:17:08https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/613448525373575.png
Written by Chris2,258 Reads14 Comments2014-04-29 17:17:08

That's right, the corporation behind the first Jurassic Park, InGen will be involved in the new Jurassic World film in one way or another. We know the new corporation in charge of the new park, is known as the "Patel Corporation", however it's possible we may be seeing a merger between the two companies. With InGen more than likely bankrupt after the multiple incidents regarding their Dinosaur island mistakes, it's likely Patel buys the company projects and continues on, with a new branding - Jurassic World. However this is purely speculation until a more deailed plot synopsis for the film is released.

Regardless, a helicopter, with an evident InGen logo on the side, was spotted flying above the Jurassic World set in Hawaii today, and was captured by our friends at Reel Tours Hawaii. Check it out:

After assuming InGen was no more, this new photo raises some very serious and thought provoking questions. What do you think InGen's involvement will be in Jurassic World? Let us know in the comments section!

Special thanks to RTW for the photo!

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MemberCompsognathusApr-29-2014 6:50 PM

Its says InGen at the side of that chopper!


MemberCompsognathusApr-29-2014 7:30 PM

Hmm... While, A merger Is possible, usually you try to, get rid of all the other companies branding...


what if, Ingen, Didn't go bankrupt, but abandoned Their genetics projects? Instead favouriting something else... But Needing money, They make a bad decision, and sell Site A to Patel Corp.


Thats why they send Chris Pratt, To Jurassic World, to stop the park (Obviously something is wrong... Abuse of dinosaurs, SOmething Ingen Does not like) But, he is caught by Bryce's character, And we learn that Chris is not the Antagonist... But just seems like one... 


MemberCompsognathusApr-29-2014 8:24 PM

Patel Corporation was just fan made. That's not real.


AdminIndoraptorApr-29-2014 8:43 PM

No, the "Patel-Corp" site is fan made, but the Patel Corp company is actually something which will be featured in the film. Irrfan Khan's character is known to play its CEO.


MemberCompsognathusApr-30-2014 12:16 AM

InGen also spent an unknown amount of money experimenting on dinosaurs they shouldn't have been creating on Isla Sorna which could have also lead to having to merging with another company to have the funds to build the new park for the animals

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexApr-30-2014 12:49 AMThis is extremely fascinating! I can't wait to see what the helicopter's actual explanation is! :)


MemberCompsognathusApr-30-2014 1:54 AM

Could it be for a flashback, showing what happened to the park after the incident? The books, recent JP game mention that the park/dino's were destroyed (i think the book mentions napalm and I think the game mentioned military bombers) however this isnt mentioned in the movies. InGen being a part of the movie could be to explain what actually happened to park in the movie canon


MemberCompsognathusApr-30-2014 3:22 AM

i like ozwallys theory. it may just be a flashback. ingen most likely is gone by now and patel must have been the highest bidder and bought out the company


MemberCompsognathusApr-30-2014 5:53 AM

For me I really feel there has to be flashbacks, I'm hoping quite lengthy flashbacks, to give a good bit of closure  on what happened to the park, for me this would be a big part of the movie after all these years of waiting. After all there was that image on here a week or 2 ago of one of the jeeps from the first movie in a pretty sorry state being transported to set. Really looking forward to it


MemberCompsognathusApr-30-2014 8:56 AM

For some reason, I don't know why but the name InGen reminds me of IGN lol.

Peter Zanetti

MemberCompsognathusApr-30-2014 9:09 AM

Almost certainly for Flashback sequences. I'm sure there will be quite a few to add context for the 22 years later-new park scenario.

I also half expect the very begnning of the movie to start with some sort of exchange between InGen and Patel showing the hand-off, so to speak.


MemberCompsognathusApr-30-2014 11:43 AM

It says InGen on the side of the chopper! I..I don't get that...Why would Hammond send 2 teams?


MemberCompsognathusMay-01-2014 12:45 AM

I think Ariana Richards (Lex Murphy) will be in Jurassic World as the InGen Representative.


MemberCompsognathusMay-03-2014 5:05 AM

Patel Corp maybe keeping the branding.

InGen powered by Patel Corp

InGen part of the Patel Corp family

or InGen may have secured and be monitoring the old Jurassic Park site, while Patel Corp are building / running Jurassic World on another part of the island. Of course the visitors will only ever see Jurassic World and Jurassic Park is used to breed the dino's?

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