Jurassic World Movies

Indominus Rex's Roar Revealed + A Closer Look at Jurassic World Merchandise!

Scified2015-02-15 12:10:26https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/3147744283393513.png
Written by Chris5,287 Reads5 Comments2015-02-15 12:10:26

Toy Fair has brought forth some incredible updates for Jurassic World fans! Many of the film's promotional merchandise was on display for attendees to capture on video and camera. One such video involves a Hasbro representative showing off a table full of Hasbro's Jurassic World toys. During the showcase, the representative shows off the "Stomp & Strike T-Rex", which sports the exact same roar sound effects as in Jurassic Park, insinuating that the Rex in Jurassic World will sport the same roar. Following the Rex toy demonstration, the Hasbro rep moves on to their Indominus Rex toy, and while he demonstrates the toy's various features, two exciting aspects are revealed - The roar for Indominus Rex and confirmation of the Dinosaur's ability to change color! It's unknown whether or not these details were meant to be revealed, but regardless, they were and they have us extremely excited! Check out the video below as well as a run down of new Jurassic World merchandise photos:

What do you think of the Indominus Rex roar?

A big thank you to our friends at Reel Tours Hawaii for the photos and video!


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Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusFeb-15-2015 1:52 PM

Am I the only one who noticed the low-quality brownish I. rex photo leaked a while ago printed on a hat?

Great Leonopteryx

MemberCompsognathusFeb-15-2015 2:06 PM

The I-rex is huge


MemberCompsognathusFeb-15-2015 2:58 PM

I will be getting thay I-Rex toy, and the I-Rex hat as well.

Peter Zanetti

MemberCompsognathusFeb-15-2015 5:41 PM

Very excited about the wide range of dinosaurs going to be available. My 4 year old was thumbing through the list of dinosaurs and is super excited. 

Unlike the twits running jurassicworld.org who are bent out of shape over the lack of human figures. Who Cares?!?! More dinosaurs please. 


AdminIndoraptorFeb-15-2015 7:05 PM

Hey Peter, I appreciate your enthusiasm but there's no need to call out other people or other sites. We like to keep it positive around here.

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