Jurassic World Movies

Indominus Rex's Movie-Official Roar Finally Revealed! (Potential Spoiler)

Scified2015-05-20 17:44:53https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/2708985849556808.png
Written by Chris2,589 Reads3 Comments2015-05-20 17:44:53

Jurassic Park fans will notice, throughout each of the released Jurassic World trailers and TV spots, the roar of the Indominus Rex has been masked by either a movie-roar of a Velociraptor or the Tyrannosaurus Rex. None of these are actually what the Indominus Rex will sound like in the film.

However, thanks to Jurassic Collectibles on YouTube, we now know what the Indominus Rex will sound like in Jurassic World thanks to their very in-depth review of the movie-official Jurassic World Book & App product - Where Dinosaurs Come to Life. The book itself ties into an app that you can download, which allows you to unlock special features and interactive content. At the end of the video however, they unlock Indominus Rex and through the interactive app, activate the Dinoraur's terrifying roar. 

If you don't mind potential spoilers (if this can be counted as such), check out the video below!

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MemberCompsognathusMay-20-2015 6:54 PM

Not really amazing, to be honest. We've all heard it before in the first trailer. It might not even be its roar, just a reused sound effect.


MemberCompsognathusMay-21-2015 2:47 AM

That is probably just one of the sounds I. rex make, the real roar is the one we hear on lego trailer after Owen finished his line.


MemberCompsognathusMay-21-2015 4:44 AM

@Ntwadumela I agree with you there, I-Rex will definitely have a range of roars/growls.

 Got the feeling the I-Rex gonna be a bit like JPIII Spinosaurus, having an identifiable roar, but just nowhere near as memorable or iconic as the T-Rex roars, or even Raptors. Was hoping I-Rex would be more screechy, like literally a cross of Rex and Raptor with a bit of Alien Queen from Aliens. But hey, we'll soon find out.

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