The Indominus Rex is Universal Studios and director Colin Trevorrow's attempt to bring the world of Mary Shelly's Franenstein into the late Michael Crichtons Dinosaur phenomenon Jurassic Park. While the parallels to Shelly's world famous, classical horror tale have always been present in the world of Jurassic Park, it has always been a subtle line of the narrative - not only were the Dinosaurs themselves parallels to Franensteins creature, the inevitabiity that they would breed and flourish beyond the designs and intentions of their designers and creators was also a metaphor for the creature from Shelly's classic novel. This time however Indominus Rex is a more literal intrepretation of the gothic horror tale, set within the scenario of 'What if Jurassic Park actually opened'. Lets just hope that the filmmakers dont ignore the true star of the Franchise, the T-Rex, like they did in the last instalment.
Images courtesy of Empire magazine!
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