Jurassic World Movies

Indominus Rex eats a Gyrosphere and Chris Pratt examines Raptor Blue in new TV spot and extended Jurassic World movie clip!

Scified2015-06-02 12:57:50https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/866836541609551.png
Written by Chris2,548 Reads0 Comments2015-06-02 12:57:50

The big bad Indominus Rex is back at it in a thrilling new Jurassic World TV spot! This one, once again featuring a more serious / scary vibe throughout, hosts a few new cut-scenes with the Indominus Rex attacking the Gyrosphere which houses Zach (Nick Robinson) and Gray (Ty Simpkins). Thankfully the two manage to escape and run off into the Jungle. Going by previous trailers, we can assume this scene takes place right before the two jump off a cliff into the water below, to escape the Indominus' jaws. It's also interesting to note, that this scene is executed a lot like the plane attack scene from Jurassic Park 3, where the Spinosaurus tries to get at the people trapped inside, before they too manage to escape into the Jungle. 

Next up, we have a new, extended clip from the movie, of the scene when Owen (Chris Pratt) examines one of the Velociraptors from his pack, the one named Blue. There's also an interview with Bryce Dallas Howard, just off-screen of this recording and all you hear her say is "A lot of people died", likely referring to the number of park visitors caught in the mayhem which follows after the Indominus Rex escapes and then lets other Dinosaurs loose. Check out the new clip below:

Unfortunately both these videos aren't currently offered in high definition, but once HD versions become available, we'll be sure to update this article with them!

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