MemberCompsognathusMay-20-2014 5:28 PMFirst off, thanks for the great pictures!
Looking at the enclosure, due to it only using concrete and not being too tall I suspect this is either for juvinile dino's (except raptors due to their ability to jump pretty high) or perhaps a smaller species (Troodon anyone?)
Also, it does look a little hidden away from the public to me, or is it simply overgrown? I'm wondering if this is 1. a tucked away research facility/enclosure/breeding facility for the new park or 2. something from the old park. I recall in Jurassic Park the game that Dr Sorkin had a research facility, and also the Troodon paddock, tucked away in the north west of the island. Perhaps this could be that or a similar facility? Whether its from the past or present I can only speculate.

MemberCompsognathusMay-20-2014 5:29 PMAlso from the pictures, I'm pretty sure this isn't meant for the public to see but I could be wrong

MemberCompsognathusMay-20-2014 8:50 PMWe've never seen this sort of archeticture for a Dinosaur Paddock before... Except the Quarintine Paddock, Or for you Non-hard cores, The Raptor Paddock...
Based on the scratch marks... I'm assuming this is the new Predator?

Peter Zanetti
MemberCompsognathusMay-21-2014 6:52 AM@ozwally
Look a little closer. See the human sized door to the inside? The scale of this holding pen is much larger than you realize. At the high points, its about 35 ft. tall. And solid concrete. Plenty tall enough to house a less agile medium sized carnivore, like an Allosaurus. Those scratch marks also match up with a medium sized therapod with 3 fingered hands.
Its not for Velociraptors, as I can see too many ways for them to climb out.
Its also just a set prop, because it has merely 2 sides.

MemberCompsognathusMay-21-2014 4:10 PM@Peter
Sorry, my bad, didnt see that until TheDinosaurMan posted the scratch pics above.
The scale looks strange to me based on the tree's, but probably just the perspective. But yes, looks like a large enclosure based on the door size. T Rex is as tall as around 3 men right? And apparently a 'standard' door height is 2 metres so would be a large dino. Troodon its not then, and here was me thinking Bryce Dallas Howard might have been Dr Sorkin

MemberCompsognathusMay-21-2014 9:00 PMGUYS, JUST THOUGHT OF THIS, IT'S GOT A 73% CHANCE OF BEING D-REX...
Think about it, We areselves, can't really cassifly this... We should take D-Rex into consideration.

MemberCompsognathusMay-22-2014 6:37 AMThe D-Rex is probably standing right there and we can't even see it. It's probably not even in there at all, considering they left the door open ;)

MemberCompsognathusMay-23-2014 11:42 PMThis is the D-rex paddock for sure, ingen doesn't authorize a paddock like this to be built unless it was ment to be quarentined and studied before letting the public see this new terrifying attraction

Game Over Man
MemberCompsognathusMay-24-2014 12:33 AMhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xP4M3x6uzY