Jurassic World Movies

In Memoriam: Jurassic Park Legacy

Scified2016-06-08 09:22:56https://www.scified.com/articles/in-memoriam-jurassic-park-legacy-71.jpg
Written by Matt11,705 Reads5 Comments2016-06-08 09:22:56

On Monday, June 6, 2016, it was announced that the prominent fan site, Jurassic Park Legacy, will be closing its doors on June 11, the anniversary of "Jurassic Park" and "Jurassic World's" theatrical release.

Jurassic Park Legacy has been operational since 2003, and moved to it's present board in 2005 and has long been regarded by much of the "Jurassic Park" fandom as one of the mainstays of the fandom itself. The site was started by Tyrannosaur with the intent of creating a all inclusive database of Jurassic Park knowledge, the Jurassic Park Legacy Encyclopedia. This encyclopedia has been regarded as one of the most coherent and all encompassing JP resources for the past dozen years. The site also was home to the Jurassic Park Legacy forums, a place where the majority of the community gathered during the long wait between "Jurassic Park 3" and "Jurassic World". It helped to keep the fandom alive.

The site also had a very vibrant and active community which helped bolster discussion and speculation for the long awaited fourth movie in the franchise. Among the most vibrant was the sites prominent "Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis" modding community. Jurassic Park Legacy's active community produced many great contributions to the fandom from fan fictions to exciting, and interesting new ideas about the franchise..

There was also a large costuming and prop section which rivaled even the RPF's Jurassic Park costuming threads. The site members managed to create nuanced observations based on details of the movies that many had overlooked. The site was a great repository of behind the scenes data and information. JPLegacy members managed to create an extensive behind the scenes database on the forums which rivaled even the most comprehensive collection on the internet. There was a extremely active community on JPLegacy.

The members of the site were like a family and everyone got along well. Were the rules strict? Yes, but it was a necessity in order for things to run smoothly in a fandom that large. There will never be another site to match how comprehensive and well loved Jurassic Park Legacy was.

Find and share news like this with other Jurassic Park fans in the newly updated Jurassic World forum! The Jurassic World forum is an online community dedicated to nothing but Jurassic Park and Jurassic World fan discussions! Don't be a lurker, join the JP fan community today!



MemberAllosaurusJun-08-2016 9:42 AM

Might I ask why would you close down a web forum? If people are truly enjoying it then just leave it up, even if you don't want to have full control. Give someone else who is fitting the command of the forum, don't just delete.


MemberTyrannosaurus RexJun-08-2016 12:01 PM

This is truly sad news Matt. I hope the fans from JP Legacy can find a new home away from home on the Jurassic Park and World forums here on Scified, they would be more than welcome if they choose to.

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexJun-08-2016 11:13 PM

MATT - I have never had the pleasure of visiting your site. However, I wholeheartedly understand the emotions that must be surely playing through you. Rest assured: I and many others would delight in having you and any others from your site join SCIFIIED! We are always pleased to have new personalities and points of view with which to share in  our discussions! :)

I Meme Everything

MemberAllosaurusMay-26-2017 10:18 AM

Aren't they making a new version of Jurassic Park Legacy?


MemberAllosaurusAug-21-2018 5:18 AM

There is this website http://jurassic-pedia.com/

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