Jurassic World Movies

Images and Videos of Unreleased Jurassic World Game Surface Online!

Scified2015-11-08 19:58:11https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/1309881224409860.png
Written by Chris5,167 Reads3 Comments2015-11-08 19:58:11

Imagine an open-world video game set in the Jurassic Park universe, where you play as Owen, Chris Pratt's character in Jurassic World as you fight for survival on Isla Nublar. Pretty much every Jurassic Park fan's dream game next to Operation Genesis 2. Well, unfortunately it looks like we came close to getting a game just like that before the company creating it went out of business. Early this past summer, rumors circulated that Cryptic Studios Seattle were working on a video game tie-in to Jurassic World.

Here are some demo reels while it was in development:

** Video removed at request of artist **

The title for this game was never announced, but the rumors of its campaign and gameplay have since been leaked by those working on or close to the project. According to an account by a user over on Reddit:

"I got to see some screenshots of Cryptic Studio's newest game, which was based on Jurassic World. It was a 3rd person game where the player controlled Chris Pratt's character. Several dinosaurs from the series were going to be in it including: Gallimimus, Triceratops, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Velociraptor, Spinosaurus and Baryonyx.

Not quite sure what you would have done in the game other than it being described as being similar to 'H1Z1.' Early Access on Steam would have come out soon but that's all the info I know."

As well as the demo reels, the folks at JW.org also uncovered some artwork and renders created for the game, which show off character models for Owen, Claire and some of the Dinosaurs which would've made an appearance:

** Artwork and links removed at request of artist **

This unreleased Jurassic World game was being developed using Unreal Engine 4 and was going to be released on Steam, Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network. Unfortunately it's unlikely this game will never see the light of day, but hopefully a game like this will be pursued in the future since Jurassic World made such a killing at the box office.

Let us know what you think of this could-have-been Jurassic World game in the comments section! Thanks to JW.org for the detective work and for bringing this to our attention!

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MemberTriceratopsNov-09-2015 1:09 PM

This would have been awesome! I wonder if you could have played as one of the dinosaurs too. Someone needs to make this happen.


MemberCompsognathusNov-10-2015 10:48 AM

Would have been the best JP/JW game to ever exist, running on the UE4 engine with such eye-candy. Let's all hope for it's resurrection...


MemberCompsognathusNov-17-2015 10:03 AM

No noo nooo! It got canceled...I would've totally play this game.. x( Now I'm sad...would love to play Spino running on UE4. The models look beautiful.

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