Jurassic World Movies

How does InGen fit into Jurassic World?

Scified2014-11-17 21:08:14https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/6556497142292268.png
Written by Chris3,929 Reads5 Comments2014-11-17 21:08:14

Jurassic Park failed and because of the numerous incidents of Dinosaurs wrecking havoc on and off the islands, InGen nearly went bankrupt. So how does InGen remain a key player in Jurassic World you might ask?

According to the recently launched viral website, the new fictional company known as Masrani acquired InGen in 1998 and promoted one of its lead scientists, Dr. Henry Wu (played by actor BD Wong) within the ranks, making him a key asset on the Jurassic World project. 

After the unfortunate incident at Jurassic Park, Dr. Henry Wu returned to Isla Nublar in November of 1994 to assist the clean up teams in cataloging specimen numbers, and to identify exactly how the animals were breeding. Despite the island’s presence of seemingly same sex animals, it was the inclusion of amphibian DNA which he himself had underestimated. Dr. Wu noted that the inclusion of DNA sequences from several species of amphibians including the Common Reed Frog (Hyperolius viridiflavus) adapted extremely well to the cloned DNA of the dinosauria - eventually enabling the animals to change their sex through a chemical trigger which disintegrated the female organs to create male sex organs. [-MasraniGlobal.com]

Given the unavoidable series of events which are to follow, it is unlikely InGen will make it into future sequels, if a breakout does in fact occur, as the trailer descriptions and script leaks would suggest. This is InGen's third strike to prove itself as a viable asset to the Masrani corporation and as a legitimate investment opportunity for technology enthusiasts.

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MemberCompsognathusNov-17-2014 9:17 PM



As a JP Fan, I feel pity for Ingen... They just wanted something great, And they got screwed over each time... 


But I think they might';ve become darker then last time, Allowing the Birth of D-REX (WHICH IS TEASED ON THE PAGE, IT'S IN THE INGEN FOLDER. THEY CASUALLY MENTION IT) Might mean a darker part for the film... 

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexNov-17-2014 11:44 PM

I really hope we get to see the true "dark side" of genetic manipulation in this film! It's high time we had a good representation of what happens when you royally give Mother Nature a miss and tamper with what she chooses to create...and destroy... :)


MemberCompsognathusNov-18-2014 7:00 AM

"with the right tools and research, he could bring brand new species into fruition by the combination of various species. “Much like selective breeding within domestic animals,” he writes, “but with this, we would be combining several species into one new animal."

I love this casual hint at th D-Rex.

Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusNov-18-2014 1:10 PM

I think InGen will be done with after an unaviodable dinosaur breakout.


MemberCompsognathusJan-14-2015 6:08 PM

Once InGen fails again in Jurassic World, Dodgson and BioSyn can step in and finish what they started back in '93.

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