Upon the release of Jurassic World, fans were initially thrilled to learn that Hasbro would be in charge of the toy license for Jurassic World. The release of the movie saw a massive demand for the toy line, which was then drove Hasbro to green light the Jurassic World hybrids spinoff toy line. However one year later, the toy line has apparently not been selling so well. Hasbro disclosed some details of how well several of its lines sold during their second quarter earnings report:
“But sales in its boys division rose just 4% in the period after posting a 24% gain in the first quarter. The weakness was caused by a 20% drop in Transformers and another “significant” drop in Jurassic World toys, which the company says will continue to weigh on results this year. Chief Executive Brian Goldner added that Hasbro will lose the Jurassic Park license at the end of 2017 because Hasbro couldn’t agree on renewal terms with the franchise’s owner, Universal Studios.”
The termination of Hasbro's contract with Universal could potentially mean that other toy companies could take on the Jurassic World license. Mattel is one obvious choice, and they have had prior experience with dinosaurs as they made the toys for Disney's 'Dinosaur'. Mattel has also made quality human figures for Ghostbusters as seen in its current line for the reboot.
Other possibilities include a split license. Fans have been clamoring for NECA to take on the license ever since Jurassic World was announced. But previously Hasbro's contract prevented that from occurring. It is possible that NECA or FUNKO could be able to create Jurassic World products. As the window for these companies to create Jurassic World products opens in 2018, it will most likely be tied in to any toy line for Jurassic world 2.
Jurassic World 2 will be released on June 22, 2018. The film has not yet been given an official title. Bryce Dallas Howard and Chris Pratt will return to play Claire Dearing and Owen Grady in the film. The movie will be directed by Juan Antonio Bayona, who has directed 'The Impossible.
Source: Wall Street Journal via JurassicPark Podcast
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