Jurassic World Movies

First Look at Jurassic World's Tyrannosaurus Rex from SDCC!

Scified2014-07-22 23:43:51https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/1694388314482029.png
Written by Chris6,449 Reads12 Comments2014-07-22 23:43:51

Following yesterday's reveal of Jurassic World's SDCC poster artwork comes a photo of Jurassic World's Tyrannosaurus Rex which is on display inside the San Diego Convention Center. ComingSoon.net snapped the following photo yesterday afternoon prior to SDCC kicking off, check it out:

This seems to be part of a display, promoting the release of Jurassic World next summer. Contrary to the doubt which had been circulated for weeks prior to SDCC, Jurassic World will be advertised and promoted at this year's comic-con, and as Scified attends this year's comic-con, expect more photos and detailed descriptions of what SDCC has in store for Jurassic Park fans in the coming days!

In the mean time however, let us know what you think by commenting below!

Source: ComingSoon.net

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MemberCompsognathusJul-23-2014 12:43 AM

I'm pumped, I like the rex a lot! :D

JP Carnotaur

MemberCompsognathusJul-23-2014 5:10 AM

It's awesome however i looks like its more a green and brown color like JP 3's Rex which I'm not a fan of.


MemberCompsognathusJul-23-2014 11:57 PM

Very rexy!


MemberCompsognathusJul-24-2014 2:06 AM

can't see the picture :-(


MemberCompsognathusJul-24-2014 11:44 AM

I'm not fond of this T-Rex bust at all.                                                                                                  I hope this is not the way the Rex will look like in the movie. Especially those stupid reptile/snake kind of eyes turn me of.

These T-Rex look much better to me:






MemberCompsognathusJul-25-2014 1:45 AM

Maybe it's just the angle that makes the eyes look like they have slit pupils... but I sure hope the movie rex has bird-like eyes instead of slit pupils.


MemberCompsognathusJul-28-2014 1:23 AM

guyz, i think i found something, ok, i was looking at the brochure for the park, until i found that page with the dinos, such as anky, rex,trike,bary,sucho,and more, and it hit me, wat if those are moar dinos shown in the movie! some of those dinos r the comfirmed ones, but wat if the others r moar wild ones?



MemberCompsognathusJul-31-2014 3:32 PM

Odd angle for a photo but no feathers so far so I'm a reasonably happy bunny


MemberCompsognathusJul-31-2014 4:45 PM

i cant see the picture? can anyone help? ive tried 3 different web browsers its just that little broken picture icon... I WANT TO SEE SO BAD


MemberCompsognathusAug-01-2014 9:31 AM

you have to log in to see it


MemberCompsognathusAug-03-2014 2:26 PM

I cannot see the picture as well. BUT, I went to ComingSoon.net and saw the original. 

This T-REX is not from Jurassic World. It is one of three heads made for the origianal Jurassic Park in the early 90's. The booth restors old props and re-sells them. I talked with them for a while - they also had two Muppet animatronic puppets on display, one of Charlie Chaplain's canes, and much more movie memorabilia.  


MemberCompsognathusAug-07-2014 6:33 AM

I agree with Marcc! But I hope the eyes look like this because of the angle of the shot..

They should stick to the original T-Rex from Jurassic Park and the Lost World. 

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