Jurassic World Movies

First look at Jurassic World: Rebirth showcases mutated Dinosaurs!

Scified2025-02-04 15:37:08https://www.scified.com/articles/first-look-at-jurassic-world-rebirth-showcases-mutated-dinosaurs-24.jpg
Written by Chris3,634 Reads0 Comments2025-02-04 15:37:08

In preparation for tomorrow's release of the first Jurassic World: Rebirth trailer, Vanity Fair unveiled their own exclusive first look at Gareth Edwards' film! The first look features a number of new images from the movie, along with interviews with the film's producer Frank Marshall. With Jurassic World: Rebirth, it's evident they've taken the franchise back to it's fear-inducing roots. Not only that, we get our first look at the return of the franchise's Spinosaurus and a mutated Tyrannosaurus!

The story follows members of a recovery team—led by Scarlett Johansson, Mahershala Ali, and Jonathan Bailey—as they venture to an island near the equator that was once home to the first Jurassic Park’s research lab. The squad is trying to retrieve genetic material that could lead to a medical breakthrough for humanity, but three decades later the mistakes made at that ruined facility have not gone away. They’ve endured—and only grown bigger. “These are the dinosaurs that didn’t work. There’s some mutations in there,” Marshall says. “They’re all based on real dinosaur research, but they look a little different.” 

The feature goes on to tease that the film will include a genetic monstrosity inspired by H.R. Giger's Xenomorph and Star Wars' Rancor, among other iconic movie monsters:

Adding to his Rebirth dinosaur inspiration were a few other favorites: the skeletal Xenomorph from Alien, the dungeon behemoth from Return of the Jedi, and the original Big Bad from Spielberg’s first Jurassic Park movie. Those references turn up all in one particular twisted dinosaur that turns up in the trailer coming Wednesday. “Some Rancor went in there, some H.R. Giger went in there, a little T. rex went in there…” Edwards says.

The images and premise already seem more promising than the last Jurassic installment. With an emphasis on horror over lackluster visual spectacles.

We get our first look at the film tomorrow! So be sure to check back tomorrow for when the new trailer drops online!

Check Vanity Fair to read their whole feature!

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