Jurassic World Movies

First Concept Art for Jurassic World Reveals Futuristic Visitor Centre!

Scified2014-03-22 14:31:01https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/4519039883811.png
Written by Chris3,531 Reads19 Comments2014-03-22 14:31:01

Some official concept art for Universal's Jurassic World has been discovered and reveals a futuristic look of a new visitor centre on the island of Kauai (which is doubling as Isla Nublar for the new film). The find comes to us from Nathan Schroeder's website, a concept artist who has worked on such films as Star Trek, The Avengers and of course, Jurassic World! Check out the two pieces of artwork below:

As you can see, in Jurassic World, things look a little different from previous films. A more futuristic tone is evident as well as a fully functioning resort. All that means really is more food for the Dinosaurs once they break free.

Be sure to visit Nathan's official site to view more of his artwork as well!

Thanks to JP Fan Christian Nickel via JW.org for the find! 

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Primal King

MemberCompsognathusMar-22-2014 3:12 PM

You can see the Pterosaurs flying in the first pic, very cool!


MemberCompsognathusMar-22-2014 3:43 PM

I don't know if these are fully fledged concept art peicies...


They seem A little (Way) over the top for JP.


MemberCompsognathusMar-22-2014 3:54 PM

What proof do you have that these are concept art pieces for Jurassic World?


The gallery (http://www.nathanschroeder.net/gal30index.shtml) that contains these pieces is labelled: "These are odds and ends that are left over from many different shows that were never made. For legal reasons, I will not identify the artwork, but most of them are recognizable."


There's nothing that identifies them as being related to Jurassic World at all - so how can you justify claiming that they are?


MemberCompsognathusMar-22-2014 4:17 PM

Those are really cool.


MemberCompsognathusMar-22-2014 7:09 PM

Thats a bit disappointing. I dont know if im looking at the island from the Incredibles or the Jetsons. Or even Halo Reach. They are trying too hard to make this a future cash cow i can tell. Where is the look of adventure? The island looj and tone? If i want to visit that place ill juat play dead island. I can see this movie is going diwn a road original fans will not be pleased with

Great Leonopteryx

MemberCompsognathusMar-22-2014 9:34 PM

let's just wait and see then :D


MemberCompsognathusMar-23-2014 12:17 AM

I thought that in JW will be somthing like runs in the pirst part JP but it is well


MemberCompsognathusMar-23-2014 5:56 AM

OMG this looks very cool , i hope the movie will be good!!


MemberCompsognathusMar-23-2014 10:24 AM



MemberCompsognathusMar-23-2014 10:49 AM

Ok everyone calm your horses. This is a very nice concept art and everything. Could be VERY interesting for a new adventure, but yeah it doesn't claim it's for jurassic world BUT it says it isn't very hard to identify what it's for. Yes, most original JP fans won't be too happy to see this in a new movie but change is good. I'm pretty sure everyone wanted to see ruins of the first Jurassic Park or even a renovated park and not a brand new one. Let's just let them do their thing and see how it goes. Don't judge until everything OFFICIAL comes out. Colin is very dedicated to this project and cares about what we think. I don't think Steven Spielberg would let something get the "green light" if he didn't like it. Even the people who don't like this rumored concept art and plot etc. are excited to see what comes out of this production. #JP4


MemberCompsognathusMar-23-2014 10:50 AM


MemberCompsognathusMar-23-2014 10:50 AM


MemberCompsognathusMar-23-2014 12:37 PM

WOW!!!!! I want to live in it!


MemberCompsognathusMar-23-2014 3:13 PM

JPMan51, Three comments are not needed.


MemberCompsognathusMar-23-2014 5:04 PM

X_paden_x i realize this. My computer was being slow and I kept clicking the button. Sorry for the extra 2 comments

Nathaniel Romig

MemberCompsognathusMar-24-2014 9:55 AM



MemberCompsognathusMar-25-2014 1:24 AM

This is truly futuristic. Oh, wait! Not all the references are direct ones, I didnt feel like wasting any more time dissecting this nonsense.

Bigger here: http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a256/atlantean2/TelaclavaWorld.jpg

Calatrava World

Phantom Raptor

MemberCompsognathusMar-30-2014 1:13 AM

This concept art looks absolutely horrible!

Why the heck would you even bother setting Jurassic World on Nublar if you're going to just redesign EVERYTHING?! And they're not even good designs. They look like a futuristic mash-up of various architectural designs from around the world (as Ritalapollera clearly points out). I'm no architect, but even I recognized a few of the inspirations.

If you want to go all futuristic, then fine. But do it with SOME of the NEW buildings (like a genetics lab, or Hammonds'/Patels' bungalow, or the visitor Hotel on the island). No one wants to see this glittering white insult replace beloved landmarks like the visitor center...

Some people are pointing out that there’s nothing to officially tie these concept art pieces with the project. I truly hope this is the case...


MemberCompsognathusApr-23-2014 6:59 AM

I hope the Avan Garde line and futuristic cene don t over do it the classic micro ship 90s essential era!!!
But i like and agree whit this evolutions, they are very important to the grow up and developed of this history for our days far from 1993 when, humanity in the first book did not know what can expect!??....open and wide scenario...

I m afraid about CGI because I whish to have the perfect balance beetween two sides Traditional/Modern.(like in first movie)

Ok the aspect of this images remenber me WipeOut games....but at same time love them because they remenber me modern theme parks. This images are very clean and i love the concept "smell of fresh paint" meaning new adventure try to recover and reach the old entusiasm about a distant Park in tropical Island.I feel adrenalin about this point!!!

I whis to see the dark side from Isla Nublar.....the dark places that the capitalism can not hide!!! and I feel very happy to see this Island again!!!!

Congrats I trust in your work guys ^ . ^  



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