Jurassic World Movies

Familiar Dinosaurs photographed on the set of Jurassic World 2!

Scified2017-04-28 16:25:12https://www.scified.com/articles/familiar-dinosaurs-photographed-the-set-jurassic-world-2-32.jpg
Written by Chris41,763 Reads5 Comments2017-04-28 16:25:12

Jurassic World 2 is about halfway through filming and photos from the film's set are beginning to leak online! The most recent batch of Jurassic World 2 photos has unveiled a number of familiar animatronic Dinosaurs in what seem to be cages.

The following images have a very The Lost World vibe to them, as they show what we assume to be a captive Stegosaurus in a cage very similar to the ones used by InGen in The Lost World: Jurassic Park. Other Dinosaur animatronics were also photographed under tarps:

From what we know about Jurassic World 2 already, we can speculate that at some point InGen, or another organization attempt to transport Dinosaurs off the island of Isla Nublar. It's been theorized for months now that the action is an attempt to save the Dinosaurs inhabiting the island from an impending volcanic eruption. Although, the purpose for these cages and captive Dinosaurs may in fact have a different meaning and we might see a similar series of events which transpired in The Lost World - captive Dinosaurs getting loose and laying waste to Human settlements. As we learn more and as new photos surface, we'll be sure to keep you updated!

Thanks to @tigsy74 and @GHarris088 for the images!

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I Meme Everything

MemberAllosaurusApr-28-2017 5:37 PM

*queue "I am a Stegosaurus" from ASDF movie*


MemberStegosaurusApr-28-2017 5:49 PM

I love the ASDF movies.

Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusApr-29-2017 11:28 AM

Don't forget what looks like an Ankylosaurus in the second picture.


MemberStegosaurusApr-29-2017 11:43 AM

Right SFK.

Jurassic Park Fan For LIFE

MemberCompsognathusJun-09-2017 11:12 AM

It's awesome that JW2 will have more animatronics than JW did.

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