Jurassic World Movies

Everything we know about Jurassic World's Indominus Rex hybrid Dinosaur so far!

Scified2015-02-12 19:54:53https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/1395190848233912.png
Written by Chris3,512 Reads4 Comments2015-02-12 19:54:53

"You just went and made a new Dinosaur? Probably not a good idea..." Ironic foreshadowing by Chris Pratt's character Owen in Jurassic World's trailer as we're introduced to tease shots of Isla Nublar's latest abomination - the Indominus Rex. InGen and their new parent company, Masrani Global have spent a lot of time and money developing a new attraction for their newly renovated theme park, since seeing living, breathing Dinosaurs gets boring after a while apparently. As a result, the company has successfully bread a new carnivore which some argue is even too terrifying to expose to adults of the kids visiting Jurassic World

So what is this Indominus Rex? It's a genetic mash-up of a number of extinct and non-extinct organisms. The team at Jurassic World's creation lab set out to create the most fearsome Dinosaur in the park. Spliced from animals like a snake and cuttlefish, the Indominus Rex also has traces of Carnotaurus, MajungasaurusRugops and Giganotosaurus encoded into its genetic make up.

Indominus Rex means "Untamable King". Interestingly enough, the official page for Indominus on the Jurassic World website lists it's length at "Currently 12 meters", implying Indominus could get bigger. Since its spliced with Dinosaurs like Giganotosaurus, there's no telling how large this new predator can get.

Some interesting characteristics we now know about Indominus are that it loses and replaces teeth often, like sharks. Its roar has been recorded reaching frequences of 140 - 160 db, so you'll definitely hear it if you find yourself alone in the jungles of Isla Nublar this summer... like Ty Simpkins and Nick Robinson will.

Indominus also sports 4 razor-sharp, elongated claws on each hand and has a white, almost transparent skin tone. Earlier script leaks suggested that Indominus could blend into its surroundings thanks to its cuttlefish DNA, however we have yet to see evidence of this attribute in any film footage.

What do we know about Indominus' involvement in Jurassic World? Well, from the trailers alone, we know that Indominus breaks free from her confines at some point and retreats into the wild jungle of Isla Nublar - an area which will be later deemed the "restricted zone" as Jurassic World's Animal Containment Units attempt to capture her before she causes any trouble. 

We also learned from the Super Bowl TV spot, that Indominus does not hunt like other Dinosaurs seen at the park. Unlike Dinosaurs like Velociraptor and T-RexIndominus hunts "for sport" in addition to for food. Owen is heard saying "She'll kill anything that moves" in the trailer - insinuating that all Indominus wants to do is kill, with no remorse.

We also know that at some point, after enough ACU officers meet their demise at the claws of Indominus, that Owen brings "everything he's got" to take her down - and this includes his "Raptor Squad" of trained Velociraptors which aid him in tracking down the Indominus Rex. What we don't know is whether or not these Raptors are successful in taking Indominus down. Two Raptors didn't fare well against a Rex at the end of Jurassic Park, and Indominus isn't quite as large as a T-rex yet and Owen has 4 Raptors on his side. 

As we learn more about Indominus Rex we'll be sure to keep you updated. Be sure to let us know what you think of Indominus so far by commenting below or by joining the discussion in the Jurassic World forums!

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Primal King

MemberCompsognathusFeb-12-2015 8:05 PM

Great post, Chris!!!!! Sums up everything we know very nicely. I have a feeling that the Raptors aren't going to be the only dinosaurs to take on Indominus Rex. ;)


MemberCompsognathusFeb-12-2015 8:11 PM

This about sums it up. She sounds like one awesome hybrid!

Michael Aaron Keith

MemberCompsognathusFeb-13-2015 3:20 AM

Come on Chris, there were only 2 raptors that faced off against the T-Rex at the end of Jurassic Park! The third was locked in the walk-in freezer.

Peter Zanetti

MemberCompsognathusFeb-14-2015 2:37 PM

Abelisaurus is not a species used to create Indominus. Carnotaurus and Majungosaurus belong to the dinosaur family "Abelisaurids". This is exactly what it says on the official site. 



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