Jurassic World Movies

Epic New Jurassic World Movie Footage Shown in Latest Featurette!

Scified2015-05-25 14:48:05https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/1994330244961065.png
Written by Chris2,225 Reads4 Comments2015-05-25 14:48:05

"Jurassic World goes down an orginal road and its a breathtaking adventure" says Jurassic Park director and Jurassic World executive producer Steven Spielberg, in this exciting new 2-minute long featurette which Universal Pictures released today! This new featurette packs some pretty hefty new footage, showing off the Raptor Squad as well as some wide-angle shots of the park's Herbivores. The featurette features the original Jurassic Park theme song, as well as some voice-over dialogue by the late John Hammond. Director Colin Trevorrow as well as Steven Spielberg and some of the cast discuss the importance of Jurassic World and the many reasons why it should be on your list of must-see movies this summer. The entire featurette clocks in at 2:08 and does not contain any blatant spoilers, so everyone can enjoy it!

Steven Spielberg returns to executive produce the long-awaited next installment of his groundbreaking Jurassic Park series, Jurassic World.  Colin Trevorrow directs the epic action-adventure based on characters created by Michael Crichton.  The screenplay is by Rick Jaffa & Amanda Silver and Derek Connolly & Trevorrow, and the story is by Rick Jaffa & Amanda Silver.  Frank Marshall and Patrick Crowley join the team as producers.

Jurassic World will be released in 3D by Universal Pictures on June 12, 2015.  

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MemberCompsognathusMay-25-2015 10:53 PM

Well, there goes Delta's pupil eyes. She's got slits now. And it appears Indominus has fallen victim to the "noodle tail" flexibility thing, too.


Ah, well, at least the CGI is looking better. They seem to be starting to dust up the skin a bit; not make everything so clean and polished.


MemberCompsognathusMay-26-2015 3:06 AM


I definitely agree on the cgi looking a lot better. Raptor's in particular look less cartoony.

Good spot on Delta's eyes. Wonder why the change occurred as it was another feature to differentiate each raptor. In fact it's made it more difficult to seperate Delta from Charlie, as they're both green and the only difference between them now are the dark stripes along Charlie's back and minor skin tone differences.


MemberCompsognathusMay-26-2015 1:53 PM

@NateZilla10000 and @XenoRaptor I wouldn't be so sure that Delta has lost her circular pupil eyes. At first I thought the same as you guys but you can only see her eyes for a very brief moment and at an angle as well.


MemberCompsognathusMay-26-2015 4:14 PM


Hopefully what you said is the case and Delta does retain the bird pupils and even though at the end of the day its not a big deal, it makes her not only identifiable, but also gives her something unique to her character compared to the others. The promotional images of her are consistent to the bird eyes so hopefully it was like you say a trick of the angle and brief speed in which she appeared in the featurette. 

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