Welcome... to Jurassic World. The eighth and arguably the most nostalgic Jurassic World TV spot so far has been released today and fans of the original Jurassic Park franchise will get a very special surprise when they watch it. John Hammond's (portrayed by the late Richard Attenborough) voice overlays the beginning of the trailer, inspiring awe and wonder as the iconic Jurassic Park theme song plays in the background. Instead of saying "Welcome to Jurassic Park" like in the original film, he says Jurassic World. As with the film, the beginning half of the trailer shows off the magnificent creations Masrani and InGEN have created and all is well. But as the TV Spot reaches the halfway mark, things go dark and Dinosaurs break free. Some new dialogue and footage is one again teased for split seconds - mainly a new shot of Zach and Gray escaping the Indominus Rex by jumping over a waterfall. Check it out:
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