Jurassic World Movies

Dreamworks acquires 'Micro' + what this may mean for the future of the Jurassic Franchise!

Scified2015-06-26 19:50:05https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/4479855099900651.png
Written by Matt1,760 Reads1 Comments2015-06-26 19:50:05

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In the wake of the massive success of Jurassic World, many have wondered what direction a sequel could possibly go to, some articles on this very site even speculating about the possible existence of a mainland plot or the technology going open source and changing the world in this way. However, it is my firm belief that although this avenue of discussion is well worth pursuing there is now another avenue entirely.

Today the Hollywood reporter confirmed that Michael Crichton's last novel has sold the film rights to Dreamworks studios. The official press release we will duplicate below and then explain the exciting possibilities for both this movie, as well as its potential for expanding the universe of the movies:

"  DreamWorks Studios has acquired the film rights to the Michael Crichton novel, “Micro,” it was announced today by Michael Wright, CEO of DreamWorks Studios. Frank Marshall is on board to produce, with Sherri Crichton and Laurent Bouzereau set as executive producers for CrichtonSun LLC. The high-concept thriller follows a group of graduate students lured to Hawaii to work for a mysterious biotech company—only to find themselves miniaturized and cast out into the rain forest, with nothing but their scientific expertise and wits to protect them. “Micro” was unfinished when Michael Crichton passed away in 2008, later completed by author Richard Preston and published by HarperCollins in 2011. It was a New York Times bestseller and spent over 20 weeks combined on the list in hardcover and paperback. “We are so pleased to have this opportunity to develop ‘Micro,’” said Steven Spielberg. “For Michael, size did matter whether it was for ‘Jurassic’s’ huge dinosaurs or ‘Micro’s’ infinitely tiny humans.”

Now upon reading the press release it is apparent there are similarities to Jurassic Park right away. A biotechnology company is involved heavily in the plot and is working on the very frontiers of science as well. The jungle setting of Hawaii is also similar to Jurassic Park in that although not noticeable at normal height, would be very much amplified at the size of an ant. It would give the impression of a mysterious place with many lurking terrors and dangers. In addition, the technology involved combined with the setting creates a feeling of man versus nature as well in a similar manner to Jurassic Park.

Spielberg's comparison of the novel to Jurassic Park is also extremely intriguing, indicating that the protagonists may encounter similar dangers to Jurassic Park. *Spoilers for Micro* The novel has been out since 2011 and thus has a wikipedia entry so for further indication of what I mean, click here. There are elements to the story that could work given the ending of Jurassic World.

*Spoilers for Jurassic World and Micro*

The ending of Jurassic World left viewers with the understanding that Vic Hoskins ultimate plan for the raptors was to weaponize them and sell the technology to the military. Although the character died at the end of the movie, it was implied his plans to utilize Masrani's biotech assets for military gain lived on. In Micro there is a similar plot by the CEO of Nanigen (the company behind the shrinking technology) to utilize his companys 'Tensor Generator' (the shrink ray) in order to utilize it to sell for military purposes by using small nanobot drones for covert ops or assasinations.

*end of heavy spoilers*

The company 'Nanigen' could easily be rewritten to be a subset of Masrani corporation if the studios wished to combine these two disparate companies together. However, it may be possible that Nanigen could also be written as another Biotech company with a throwaway line like competing with InGen. I do think the universes are very compatible since they both deal with Biotechnology. However, I think a crossover may only happen if Dream Works Studios merges with Universal after their contract with Disney expires next year as per this article.

The article I linked to has a good point, that Disney does not need the Dream Works studio as much as it use d to. I would agree given that the studio now owns Marvel and Star Wars to give it the financial heft it needs for its releases. However, as the article points out, Steven Spielberg maintains his office in the Universal backlot and would prefer a deal with Universal Studios. After the financial success of Jurassic World, Universal may be looking for other options in ways the Jurassic Universe can expand, including the possibility of an expanded universe. Due to this, I personally believe that given the Crichton connection and the ease of including it in the same universe, Universal would jump at the opportunity to acquire the studio if given the chance. Spielberg directing would make it easier for a crossover to happen as well as with Frank Marshall producing.

As of yet, 'Micro' has not had any cast announced nor a start date. Further details will be announced in time, however, we will keep you updated if there is any updates or if Universal shows any sign of expanding to a Jurassic Park connected universe. The technology of 'Micro' could provide interesting story possibilities for a Jurassic Park movie, as would the concepts introduced in Michael crichton's other novels. It remains to be seen whether other Crichton novels will get remade as Jurassic World continues to rake in money. 

Let us know your thoughts below!

aSources:THRHollywood ReporterScified,Dreamworks

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Major Noob

MemberCompsognathusJun-27-2015 1:03 PM

I read Micro when it came out and felt then that it would make an incredible movie! But to truly capitalise on the potential in the story, I would hope for a R rating. There's a lot of surreal horror in Micro that would be sad to lose. Either way it'll be great, though. Can't wait!

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