Jurassic World Movies

Colin Trevorrow will NOT be directing Jurassic World 2, the fifth Jurassic Park movie.

Scified2015-05-31 08:15:46https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/109229552872427.png
Written by Chris1,764 Reads3 Comments2015-05-31 08:15:46

On Friday, the Jurassic World press tour kicked off over in Paris, with the first public screening of the film! Many news outlets got a chance to interview the cast and crew of the film, even director Colin Trevorrow. Italian site, BadTaste.it claims to have had a chance to pick Trevorrow's brain following the Paris premiere, and asked the director if he would be returning for Jurassic World 2, the sequel. Trevorrow apparently replied by saying:

“Jurassic Park is like Star Wars. Different directors can give a different taste to each movie. I would be involved in some way, but not as director.”

Universal Pictures originally planned to kick start a new Jurassic Park trilogy, back when Jurassic Park 4 was originally announced. Internally, that seems to have always been the goal with reviving such an iconic (and profitable) franchise as Jurassic Park. Jurassic World was to set events in motion which could lead into a new, expanded Jurassic universe, while still remaining strong as a stand-alone film, if no sequels ever got made. However, given the immense positive feedback early reviewers of the film have been sharing and the fact that the film is on track to make over $100 million during its opening weekend, it would be surprising if Universal doesn't greenlight a sequel almost immediately.

Unfortunately though, for fans of Colin Trevorrow, he will not be directing the sequel, despite Universal's new partners (and Jurassic World co-financers), Legendary Picture's history of keeping directors on for their trilogies, like Gareth Edwards for Godzilla 2, Guillermo del Toro for Pacific Rim 2 and Chris Nolan for the Dark Knight trilogy.

Regardless of role, Trevorrow says he will be involved, which is great to hear. More than likely, he'll sign on as executive producer, like what Steven Spielberg did for Jurassic World, which would give him enough power over the project to ensure the film is made properly and directed by someone worthy of the responsibility.

What do you think of this news? Are you sad to see Trevorrow won't be returning to direct Jurassic World 2? Or are you interested to see who else takes on the Jurassic Park franchise for future sequels? Let us know what you think in the comments section below!

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MemberAllosaurusMay-31-2015 9:41 PM

Interesting, this actually kind of excites me for some reason.


MemberCompsognathusJun-01-2015 10:20 AM

I really really really really really really really want Nolan to direct the sequel.


MemberCompsognathusJun-16-2015 10:39 AM

I think Colin Trevorrow did a wonderful job for the jurassic Park fanbase, I'm a positive it pleased us all. 

As for a new director, I can't wait! New ideas are always welcomed. No let downs please~

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