Jurassic World Movies

Colin Trevorrow thinks JA Bayona will 'push the boundaries' of Jurassic World 2

Scified2016-05-05 13:53:38https://www.scified.com/articles/colin-trevorrow-thinks-ja-bayona-will-push-the-boundaries-of-jurassic-world-2-6.png
Written by Matt3,631 Reads1 Comments2016-05-05 13:53:38

As Jurassic World 2 has begun it's news cycle, bits and pieces about the movie have come to light. While the plot is still unknown as is other information such as the title or additional cast, still we have gradually learned more information. Most recently, the Playlist held an interview with Colin Trevorrow regarding his new film 'The Book of Henry', during that interview, the interviewer asked him about the state of Jurassic World 2.

[Trevorrow responded]"We’re moving it into new territory. J.A. Bayona is an incredible director and I know he’ll push the boundaries of what a ‘Jurassic’ movie is. I think it’s important that we take risks. A franchise must evolve or perish."

Colin's remarks are especially interesting as it shows first of all he has confidence in Bayona as a director. Secondly, he is willing to allow Bayona to have more freedom in his vision. Also, Trevorrow is stating essentially that the Jurassic franchise must not remain formulaic in order to proceed in its next installments.Let us know what you think of Trevorrow's comments below!

The Jurassic World sequel will release June 22, 2018. The film will be directed by JA Bayona and produced by Colin Trevorrow. Bryce Dallas Howard and Chris Pratt have both been confirmed to return. Further casting is unknown at this time.

Source: The Playlist Via JPLegacy

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AdminIndoraptorMay-05-2016 6:36 PM

I'm all for treading new ground and pushing the limits of what a Jurassic movie can be. But I just hope they stick to the source material and don't go too far off track. Anyways, thanks for the update Matt!

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