Jurassic World Movies

Colin Trevorrow Teases Possible T-Rex vs. Spinosaurus Re-match in Jurassic World 2!

Scified2016-01-02 17:41:19https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/232993773152986.jpg
Written by Chris12,725 Reads5 Comments2016-01-02 17:41:19

Jurassic World 2 hits theaters June 22nd, 2018 and though Jurassic World director Colin Trevorrow won't be returning to direct the sequel, he will remain on to produce. 

Recently, a group was started on Facebook, asking fans to petition for a re-match between the franchise's iconic T-Rex and the infamous Spinosaurus, who de-throned the Rex in Jurassic Park 3 - much the dismay of fans everywhere. 

When asked on Twitter, if Trevorrow would give the petition a glance, he replied with "noted, my friend."

Trevorrow has proven to be as much a fan as any, so it's likely he felt robbed as well when the Rex met his unfortunate end early on in the third Jurassic Park film. Whether this means we'll see a re-match in Jurassic World 2 or not is unclear, but it's nice to know that Trevorrow is still listening to the fans and is willing to at least give this possible scenerio consideration.

What  do you think? Should Jurassic World 2 feature a re-match between the franchise's two main antagonists? Let us know your throughs in the comments section!

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MemberCompsognathusJan-09-2016 7:00 PM

I can't help but let out a large sigh, are these fans really Jurassic Park fans? Or they just T-rex fans? I can't belive they weren't even satisfied with what happened in JW.  

Rex Revenge

MemberCompsognathusJan-10-2016 10:20 PM

Hello everybody, first of all I want to thank Scified.com for helping our petition become viral.

Second I would like to say yes, many more fans than you think were not satisfied by the Jurassic World fight because you have to understand that any franchise that humilliates it´s icon in the third movie will be hated by fans unless given proper chance at revenge. What fans asked for 14 years was a rematch in wich a T Rex prooves it can defeat a Spinosaurus instead what we got was a T Rex nearly getting killed by a hybrid only to be saved by a raptor and mosasaurus. We are not satisfied by that.

Hope everyone can put yourselves in our shoes and understand. And of course help us make our cause a reality by sharing it in any way you can, Thanks in advance.

Rex Revenge

MemberCompsognathusJan-10-2016 10:20 PM

Hello everybody, first of all I want to thank Scified.com for helping our petition become viral.

Second I would like to say yes, many more fans than you think were not satisfied by the Jurassic World fight because you have to understand that any franchise that humilliates it´s icon in the third movie will be hated by fans unless given proper chance at revenge. What fans asked for 14 years was a rematch in wich a T Rex prooves it can defeat a Spinosaurus instead what we got was a T Rex nearly getting killed by a hybrid only to be saved by a raptor and mosasaurus. We are not satisfied by that.

Hope everyone can put yourselves in our shoes and understand. And of course help us make our cause a reality by sharing it in any way you can, Thanks in advance.

Therizinosaurus Rex(aka Kaijusaurs)

MemberCompsognathusJan-11-2016 6:10 AM

^Jurassic World fight not satisfying? are you kidding me?

Rex Revenge

MemberCompsognathusJan-11-2016 11:21 AM

Yes and I explained why, remember different people have different feelings, you can´t expect everyone to feel like you, art is relative and subjective

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