Jurassic World Movies

Colin Trevorrow talks potential Jurassic Park 5 plans!

Scified2015-06-03 21:02:22https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/6476233495230332.png
Written by Matt2,133 Reads4 Comments2015-06-03 21:02:22

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Recently it was revealed that Colin Trevorrow would not be returning to direct Jurassic Park 5, but still be involved in some capacity with the sequel to Jurassic World. This most likely means that Trevorrow may serve an advisor role or consultant on the sequel. Recently however, Trevorrow has opened up in a new article with the potential for how the franchise may continue after Jurassic World. It is potentially spoiler, however what he discusses leaves plenty of room for potential in the franchise. I will quote the passage here, and then extrapolate what I can from Mr. Trevorrow's comments:


" “I really like the idea that this group of geneticists aren’t the only people who can make a dinosaur,” Trevorrow told us. “You know, when you think of the differences between Apple and PC – the minute something goes open-source, there are all kinds of entities and interests that may be able to utilise that technology.

Trevorrow went on to expand on his idea, explaining that “it would be like the way we have relationships with animals on this planet right now – there are animals that are kept in zoos, like Jurassic Park, but they are also used in agriculture, and medicine and in war.

We are the Alpha now,” Trevorrow said, “and we dominate all of the other animals. But when you throw in animals that were the Alpha on this planet for far longer than we’ve ever existed in with us… I don’t really know who’s in charge there

Sounds pretty terrifying – and Trevorrow deliberately leaves the door open for these possibilities in Jurassic World with one key scene (which we won’t discuss in too much detail to avoid spoilers) involving dinosaur embryos being smuggled off the island, and which Trevorrow described as an attempt to “leave possibilities open that were relatively endless

I feel that much like with what they’re doing with Star Wars, this might be the kind of franchise that would be best served by different visions, just different directors, really new interesting ideas thrown into this pot,” Trevorrow told RadioTimes.com. “But I thought that a gift I could give one of those directors is to create an opportunity for storytelling that will at least get us off this island, potentially. And not have these movies continuously be people running away from dinosaurs on an island, because I’m not sure how long that can keep entertaining us.”

Now lets began breaking this article down, there is a lot to dissect here in almost every paragraph and it is brimming with spoilers. The initial paragrah may potentially hint at a biotechnology company, utilizing dinosaurs for a wide variety of applications. This may have its origins in the original Jurassic Park novel, in which the character Dodgson speculated on the potential applications for Ingen's dinosaurs including medical testing, as well as children's pets.

It also raises an interesting question, as the park has been open for over ten years, and does hint at certain things covered on the Masrani website. The Masrani website has in the past mentioned the ACU having to deal with poaching in Costa Rica, which could be what Trevorrow means by the technology going 'open source'. As dinosaurs have existed for over 20 years in the Jurassic Park universe it is perhaps inevitable that dinosaur specimens should fall out of InGens hand and into other companies.

Trevorrow's comments also line up with our earlier article about Hoskin's potential plans for the dinosaurs as indicated by Trevorrow himself. With the escalation in technology after Jurassic World, it may be possible that several companies in the Jurassic Park universe may be developing their own dinosaurs, which is possible...and is even hinted at in what Trevorrow states in the article about Embryos being smuggled off the island.

In addition, the article also discusses these dinosaurs possibly changing the balance of nature, particularly Human's position on the top of the food chain. The smuggling spoiler mentioned in the article deliberately indicates that we may see a mainland plot in Jurassic Park 5, as well as espionage elements. This also leaves the door open for another plot twist...the introduction of Bioysn into the movie universe. The smuggling of embyros off the island indicates a point where ingen has effectively lost its monopoly on the dinosaurs.

Its extremely exciting to speculate on this, especially as Jurassic World is so near! Who knows what this new direction may mean for the franchise? I for one am excited if a bit cautious, but I am indeed ready to see what it may potentially mean for future installments.


Source: Radiotimes

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MemberCompsognathusJun-03-2015 11:21 PM

Potential Spoiler? 

That is 100% a huge spoiler, and you should mark the article as such. I'm actually quite annoyed that I read up to where I did. That's a reveal of a major plot point.

It's particularly amusing that you open the article with "potential spoiler" and then following the excerpt you say that it was "brimming with spoilers". *sigh* 


MemberCompsognathusJun-04-2015 5:46 AM

Agreed, when you wrote "which we won’t discuss in too much detail to avoid spoilers" I thought "well it seems that it's safe to read on for now" and boom a huge spoiler...

{If you live in a cave, and didn't see Star Wars jump over this next paragraph! :P}


Its kinda like if I told you in 1980, less then a week before Empire Strikes Back's premiere, that "I won't discuss this too much in detail to avoid spoilers, but Darth Vader is Luke's father."


{Safe from now. :D}

I know it's my fault too, reading articles the titles of wich says even potential spoilers, but you could have wrote this article "safer".

You could have analyzed the whole maybe dinosaurs will be on the mainland in future films thing, and then as kind of evidence could have wrote this plot point entirely separate at the end of the article, with *SPOILER* tags before and after, as well as many empty lines between these tags and the plot point (similar as I did with that example above but with more empty lines), so those who don't want to read that part, couldn't even look at it without scrolling down.

Peter Zanetti

MemberCompsognathusJun-04-2015 6:05 AM

That spoiler was not cool or appropriate.


AdminIndoraptorJun-04-2015 8:52 AM

I respect everyone's opinions, but were you really that surprised by this "spoiler"? Since Jurassic Park 1, rival companies have been attempting to smuggle embryos out of InGen's hands. Eventually, one of them will be successful - it's the only logical direction this franchise can take.

Also, generally articles discussing facts about a sequel to a movie that you haven't seen the original for, will contain spoilers regardless. If you read about a sequel, you'll learn more about the original, there's no way to avoid that.

I, personally find this really interesting and exciting!

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