Jurassic World Movies

Colin Trevorrow talks Jurassic World's Indominus Rex!

Scified2015-01-30 19:39:29https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/570043973711514.png
Written by Chris2,530 Reads6 Comments2015-01-30 19:39:29

Following the big reveal of Jurassic World's new main attraction, the Indominus Rex, director Colin Trevorrow sat down with USA Today and offered a little more insight to what the Indominus Rex is and how it will relate the other Dinosaurs at Jurassic World. Basically, Colin points out that the I-Rex is a very unnatural, genetic manipulation and because of this, it differs significantly from the other synthetic Dinosaurs throughout the park. He literally says this new Dinosaur is "crazy" and acts more sadistically than the other Dinosaurs, which for the most part would act on instinct alone. Indominus Rex sounds like one bad mother... read on for Colin's official words:


"When you grow up in captivity,  you don’t know your mother and you’ve never seen another thing like you. Farmers will tell you that hybrid cows are a little crazy. What we did was had this corporation create something new with modern genetics but it was driven by that need to constantly offer the audience something with more teeth. As a result, there’s only one of them, so it’s ‘the other,’ and it makes these other synthetic dinosaurs into something organic in comparison to this." - Colin Trevorrow (USA Today)

What do you think of Indominus? Do you think it will bceome the top of the food chain at Jurassic World? Or do you expect T-Rex to put I-Rex in its place? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section!

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MemberCompsognathusJan-30-2015 8:43 PM

Interesting! This makes me think that it will kill anything, just for the fun, not for hunger.


Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexJan-31-2015 11:05 AM

Alright! it is a bloody sociopath! This animal is going to be very interesting! :)


MemberCompsognathusJan-31-2015 2:00 PM


Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexJan-31-2015 4:50 PM

GOJIRA2K - Hahaha! Indeed! :)

Dr. Malcolm

MemberCompsognathusFeb-02-2015 3:10 AM

Ridiculus and disappointing 


MemberCompsognathusFeb-03-2015 9:49 AM

Ridiculous and disappointing? Give me a break this thing looks and sounds fucking bad ass!! Have you even seen the super bowl tv spot that was shown? It shows more of the I-Rex and it's jaws and the overall seeping feeling of dread throughout anand I have HIGH hopes for this movie. As should you Dr. Malcolm. If you don't feel unbelievably ecstatic like me for a freaky sadistic genetic anomaly then you must have staggeringly high expectations for films and anything in the entertainment industry.

What are you..

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