Jurassic World Movies

Colin Trevorrow Discloses New Jurassic World Sequel Plot Details

Scified2015-07-30 09:37:59https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/5148415172245107.png
Written by Chris1,952 Reads5 Comments2015-07-30 09:37:59

As many fans have already guessed, there won't be anymore theme parks in future Jurassic World Jurassic Park sequels. Director Colin Trevorrow, who will co-write the script once again with Derek Connolly for Jurassic World 2, revealed that the sequel will not involve small groups of people caught on an island, outrunning Dinosaurs, awaiting to be rescued. The dead horse has been beaten enough and it's time to expand past the borders of Isla Nublar and Isla Sorna.

Speaking to Wired, Colin opened up about their plans for Jurassic World 2:

"[It will not be] just a bunch of dinosaurs chasing people on an island," Trevorrow said. "That’ll get old real fast."

"I feel like the idea that this isn’t always going to be limited to theme parks, and there are applications for this science that reach far beyond entertainment. And when you look back at nuclear power and how that started, the first instinct was to weaponise it and later on we found it could be used for energy."

"And this isn’t something necessarily that was in the book but is a seed that I wanted to plant in this movie, is that might be able to grow in more of these movies if they decide to make more of them, is: What if this went open source? It's almost like InGen is Mac, but what if PC gets their hands on it? What if there are 15 different entities around the world who can make a dinosaur?"

"And Dr Wu says in the film, when he's warning Dr Masrani, 'we’re not always going to be the only ones who can make a dinosaur'. I think that’s an interesting idea that even if we don’t explore fully in this film, there is room for this universe to expand. I shouldn’t use the word universe, because people will think we’re making a Jurassic World universe -- we’re not."

Anyone who saw Jurassic World could have put two and two together to realize that the sequel, which is slated for a June 22nd, 2018 release date, will not involve a theme park setting again. Much like the outbreak mentioned in Jurassic World's viral marketing (when the Pteranodons reached the mainland after being released from Isla Sorna in Jurassic Park 3) we will likely see Dinosaurs reaching Human civilization. 

But what direction can we expect from Jurassic World 2? Weaponized Dinosaurs? Nature preserves and safaris where Dinosaurs mingle with animals of today? An army of intellegent Raptors which have developed the ability to pilot aircraft and use guns? Oh boy... Let us know your thoughts and expectations in the comments section below!

Source: Wired

In related Jurassic World news, details on the film's Blu-Ray packs have been revealed along with a list of special features as well as over 6 minutes of deleted scenes! Head on over to Blu-Ray.com for a full list of details and release dates!

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MemberCompsognathusJul-30-2015 12:42 PM

How about raptors in hamster wheels producing the energy of a major city like LA ? And then, there is an incident, some guy forgot to lock the cages or whatever....

There you go : Jurassic World 2, the hamster incident :-)


MemberCompsognathusJul-31-2015 5:08 AM

I know the island may bore people, but I am not comfortable with the franchise leaving the islands...I wish they went back to Sorna (I like to leave Nublar as that special treat JW gave us) or possibly a Site C (I know) It sounds bad but m,aybe its only new, and its like a island for testing hybrids or something. ANyway, I trust Colin as I did with JW. Still hyped for it though!


MemberCompsognathusAug-05-2015 9:19 AM

Still Totally pumped from JW! Can't wait to see the next one! I was thinking that Isla Sorna might be a good location for any future movies; since it was in the JP book series and the JP movie trilogy. And if they have rebuilt Isla Nublar, who's to say that Ingen couldn't have purchased Isla Sorna? It might make an interesting subject...

And a round of applause for Chris Pratt; He helped to make JW possible!

And thankyou Colin Trevorrow, for taking on and tackling this amazing project!

Peter Zanetti

MemberCompsognathusAug-07-2015 8:36 AM

The theme park failed, then it worked, and then it failed again. Fine. We can move on from that application for the dinosaurs. Hammond settled on a theme park because it allowed him to control the presentation of the dinosaurs to the world, and provided a means of recouping the exhorbitant spending required to breed liviing dinosaurs.

But I don't see how it is time to leave the islands. Aside from the short-lived San Diego incident, the dinosaurs have never left the islands. At the end of Jurassic World, there are at least two islands fully populated with hundreds of dinosaurs.

I see the next sequel as being similar to The Lost World, in that InGen is going to want to to capture, contain and catalog the living assets that they have available on both Nublar and Sorna, with all sorts of applications for them in mind. Opposing parties (probably led by Owen) are going to want to stop it from happening.

Maybe Trevarrow isn't communicating his thoughts well, but why is that I can't see beyond Raptors on leashing searching for bombs, and Sauropods pulling machinery and plowing fields?


MemberCompsognathusAug-09-2015 12:58 PM

id be ok with the movie taking place in a city in hawai or costa rica, it would be difrent but no to much

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