Jurassic World Movies

Colin Trevorrow addresses possibility of no animatronics in future Jurassic World sequels

Scified2015-11-08 21:35:18https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/1618039024921678.png
Written by Chris2,075 Reads1 Comments2015-11-08 21:35:18

Following a recent report which highlighted an interview with cast from Jurassic World denying any sequels would feature the use of animatronic practical effects, director Colin Trevorrow took to Twitter to address fan concerns. Obviously, the thought of a Jurassic film not containing any animatronic effects was bound to upset the die-hard fans, as those effects are part of what made Jurassic Park so iconic in the first place. Contrary to what Nick Robinson states in the video interview we reported on, Trevorrow reiterates that at no time, did he say the Apatoaurus from Jurassic World was going to be the last animatronic used in a Jurassic Park movie.

Despite Colin's intentions, we know the use of animatronic effects is ultimately left up to the Studio. Considering the use of CGI is a much more cost-effective way to bring Dinosaurs to life on-screen, it's possible that Universal will still choose to go the CGI route instead of using animatronics for the Jurassic World sequels. However, we're hoping they decide to keep with the tradition of using practical effects and we're glad Colin feels as passionately about this matter as us fans do. There is still hope yet!

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MemberCompsognathusNov-17-2015 10:06 AM

So then we should be seeing old animatronics put into use, should be interesting. Hopefully they'll be used more. 

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