Jurassic World Movies

Colin Trevorrow Addresses Jurassic World Script Credit Arbitration Process

Scified2015-04-07 16:36:19https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/7826074243690217.png
Written by Chris1,988 Reads0 Comments2015-04-07 16:36:19

Before we get into this article, readers who may not have been following Jurassic World's production for that long should note that before Jurassic World's release date was pushed back, Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver had been hired on to create the script for Universal Picture's Jurassic Park 4. However, the story didn't sit well with executive producer Steven Spielberg, so much so that he reportedly threatened to abandon the project if Universal decided to go with the Jaffa/Silver script. So, because of this Universal scrapped the story and director Colin Trevorrow and writing companion Derek Connolley were given the job of creating a completely new story - one that Spielberg would get behind.

Well, Jurassic World hits theaters in just over two months and Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver feel they're entitled to credits on the scripting process for Jurassic World - even though their initial script for Jurassic Park 4 was scrapped. Despite the fact that Universal were willing to give Trevorrow and Connolley full credits to the story for Jurassic World, it seems as though both Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver will in fact be receiving scripting credits when the credits roll at the end of Jurassic World this June. 

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According to Deadline, the credits will read as follows: Screenplay by Rick Jaffa & Amanda Silver and Colin Trevorrow & Derek Connolly; Story by Rick Jaffa & Amanda Silver; Based on characters created by Michael Crichton. 

Trevorrow got in touch with Deadline, following a recent story they published about the situation - insiuating animosity between the two writing parties, to clarify that such animosity was not present, but instead that both writing teams shared a common disdain for the arbitration process:

“As I left our scoring session today, I was met by another story about the ongoing arbitration on Jurassic World,” Trevorrow told Deadline. “I’d like to take a moment to clarify the situation and hopefully put it to rest. Contrary to your story, Derek Connolly and I did not appeal the decision by the Writers Guild East. We strongly disagreed, and waited to read the arbiters’ statements to see if we had grounds to appeal under Guild rules. We did not. We accepted the ruling this past Tuesday morning, and the matter was settled. On Friday, we received word that the WGA had reopened the arbitration and held a second hearing. The three arbiters determined a story credit was required, which they gave to Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver. We were not informed of this second hearing until it was already over, and though we also strongly disagree with this decision, we will not appeal it.”

“I have spoken with Rick and Amanda several times over the past few days,” Treverrow told Deadline. “Though we may not agree on the specifics of this ruling, we share a disdain for the arbitration process and the ugliness it often breeds. Our conversations ended in a spirit I’d like to think the Guild would support — that credit could be equally shared. Jurassic World is a special film, and I’d rather acknowledge these writers as co-designers of this adventure than bitter enemies who must be avoided at parties. That kind of animosity isn’t in the spirit of our craft, or our organization. Though I will remain a proud member of the WGA, I encourage my fellow members to work together to find alternative ways to evaluate our contributions.”

You can read the entire article over on Deadline!


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