Jurassic World Movies

Chronicle Collectibles Releasing Jurassic Park T-Rex Statue

Scified2015-06-03 09:43:23https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/2547160092674367.jpg
Written by Infinite Earths8,904 Reads1 Comments2015-06-03 09:43:23

What's cooler then a new Jurassic Park movie? Why, a new Jurassic Park collectible! This past weekend, at WonderFest 2015, Chronicle Collectibles  revealed a slew of upcoming products - one of which was the unpainted prototype for an upcoming Jurassic Park T-Rex statue!

Check it out below...

That's all we really have on the product at this time, but does it ever look impressive! According to Chronicle Collectibles, it is based off Stan Winston's original casting for the T-rex from the first Jurassic Park film. In addition, they reveal that the prototype shown at the show featured the male rex head on the female body. The final product will feature the proper head, while the male Tyrannosaurus head will be offered by Chronicle Collectibles as a wall mount.

No price, scale or release date are available at this time.

More info as it becomes available!

Source: Chronicle Collectibles

Until next time, Infinite Earths fans!   

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MemberCompsognathusJun-03-2015 12:32 PM

She's looking beautiful as always.

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