Jurassic World Movies

Chronicle Collectibles displays its Jurassic World products at Comic Con!

Scified2016-07-21 21:11:21https://www.scified.com/articles/chronicle-collectibles-displays-its-jurassic-world-products-at-comic-con-52.jpg
Written by Matt10,921 Reads2 Comments2016-07-21 21:11:21

San Diego Comic Con is currently in full swing and with it comes a rapid influx of news regarding toy lines and products! Several prominent Toy manufacturers displayed their wares at the convention from NECA to Mattel. However, Chronicle Collectibles went all out with displaying its Jurassic World products at the convention!

Our reporter attending Comic Con managed to take some pictures of the incredible displays that were being shown.

1:5 Male Tyrannosaurus Bust (The Lost World Jurassic Park)

1:1 The Lost World Velociraptor Head

1:1 Jurassic Park Velociraptor head



1:1 Compy Maquette – The Lost World Jurassic Park

1:1 Night Vision Goggles prop replica – Jurassic Park

1:9th Owen Grady and Velociraptor Blue statue-Jurassic World

1:20 Tyrannosaurus Rex Breakout - Jurassic Park

1:20 Stegosaurus -The Lost World:Jurassic Park

1:6 Owen Grady-Jurassic World

1:6 Alan Grant-Jurassic Park

In addition to recording these pictures of Chronicle Collectible's newest statues, our reporter asked a Chronicle Rep at the booth about the future of the Jurassic Park line. While understandably they could not give out many details due to the licensor requiring discretion, they did divulge that there will be 'definitely' more human figures coming soon besides the one that was currently one display.

One upcoming product was confirmed though...


Chronicle Collectibles is working on an Ian Malcolm figure! This is exciting news and we certainly look forward to it. Dr. Malcolm in a 1:6th format is something that many collectors have demanded for a long time. Our hope is that Chronicle will continue to release amazing new Jurassic Park products, including characters from the other Jurassic Park movies. 

Source for pictures: Our reporter in the field: Matt

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AdminIndoraptorJul-21-2016 9:28 PM

So awesome! Thanks for the detailed coverage Matt! Gonna upvote this!


MemberTriceratopsJul-24-2016 9:28 AM

I need the compy


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