Jurassic World Movies

Chris Pratt's reaction after seeing Jurassic World + a roundup of the recent Jurassic World marketing!

Scified2015-05-22 17:39:23https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/1082478564764691.png
Written by Chris1,545 Reads1 Comments2015-05-22 17:39:23

Chris Pratt is about to embark on a massive press tour for Jurassic World, but before he does, he had the chance to see Jurassic World for himself during a private screening. His reaction will surely convince you that this is a must-see film this summer, if you weren't already convinced. However, though Pratt does praise the film and its creators, he does urge to be cautious when following updates over the next 3 weeks, it's likely some spoilery details may be on the horizon. Here's what he just posted through his official Facebook page:

"About to embark on a global press blitz for ?#‎JurassicWorld?. Saw it last night and I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT!!

This is a motion picture so beautifully executed by Colin Trevorrow and the people at Universal it left me utterly speechless. It's a huge project in every aspect, a massive commercial undertaking that should be witnessed in IMAX theatre if possible based simply on the magnitude of its technological accomplishment. The story is fantastic, the characters compelling, the action is earned and truly unprecedented. Grab your kids, family, friends, girlfriends, boyfriends, grandparents, mailmen, etc., get some popcorn and create a memory y'all will cherish forever.


Needless to say you will be seeing A LOT of me in the press in the next few weeks as I circle the globe promoting the movie in different markets around the world. With social media the way it is and click bait marketing online you will have a front row seat to all of the promotional action if you so chose. There will be a lot. Dare I say too much if you actually take the time to watch it all!? I suggest you don't. But that's up to you.

If it gets old or you grow weary of my face just remember, you could always do what I did while waiting for the original Jurassic Park to open, go outside and play with imaginary dinosaurs! They are the best and they are free!!! And after your children, little brothers, little sisters, nephews, grandchildren, weird neighbor kids, and others, etc. finish seeing our movie that's what they will be doing anyways so practice now! Take science, add a dash of imagination, 40 thousand tons of suspense and you get an experience that defines a generation!"

Now, since we're a news and entertainment site, we will be posting all the updates Chris mentions in his address, however, we will be sure to keep spoilers out of our titles and we'll also be sure to clearly label any potential spoilers in our posts so fans who wish to avoid said spoilers, aren't fooled into reading anything they don't wish to read.

With that out of the way, below are some photos taken by fans around the world, showing off some of Jurassic World's marketing, which has kicked up a notch this month!


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MemberCompsognathusMay-22-2015 11:24 PM

This gives me high hopes that this will be an awesome movie. :D

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