Jurassic World Movies

Chris Pratt Releases the Raptors in a new Jurassic World clip, Samsung lets you interact with Dinosaurs and Colin Trevorrow talks JP4!

Scified2015-06-03 13:13:10https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/7125126030492588.png
Written by Chris1,813 Reads0 Comments2015-06-03 13:13:10

A new, international movie clip from Jurassic World has been released, entitled Release the Raptors. As the title of the clip suggests, this short, 1-minute scene involves Owen (Chris Pratt) walking by the Velociraptor holding cells, with the Indominus Rex tracker (attached to flesh) in his hand, holding it up to each air hole opening, so the Raptors can get the scent of the Dinosaur, just like how a hunter would prepare his hound before letting the dog loose after a Fox. Following this prep period, Owen instructs the young new park worker to open the Raptor gates. Once he does so, the Raptors rush into the Jungles of Isla Nublar, tracking down the escaped Indominus Rex! Check it out:

Video removed at request of NBC Universal

In related Jurassic World news, director Colin Trevorrow recently sat down with Den of Geek to discuss the new film and the influences which helped him craft a sequel, worthy of the Jurassic Park franchise. Here's a couple excerpts:

It reminded me as well that Spielberg was such a pioneer of family horror. From Jaws onwards [and thinking about it later, Duel as well]. So I wonder how you found your way into that, because it's a difficult balance to strike: how much blood is too much? What's best left suggested?

Again, I was instinct-based as I could be. The "how much blood" thing is something you usually figure out in the editing room. I'm not a big gore person, so it was just as much as I felt comfortable with, which is probably just enough for an eight-year-old, in the end. It's also the way you do it - being able to see blood splatter on glass from off-screen, it's actually a fairly benign form of horror compared to a Saw film, or these other things we're confronted with these days.

I did know that I wanted to start it in a very mundane, familial environment. There's something I love about that - like in Poltergeist, people showing up to a new house in a station wagon, with no sign that anything bad's going to happen. At the beginning of this movie, the kids are just going on vacation, it's snowing outside. We're starting in a world that feels completely our own, and then very slowly you're going to an island. We're heading into sci-fi in a very subtle way. 

How supportive was the studio, given that you'd made the move from a relatively small project to one of this scale?

The producers I worked with on the day were Frank Marshall and Patrick Crowley. And Steven was, especially in the writing process, closely involved, making sure we got all the way there. I think the more he liked it, he got more involved. By the time we got into the cutting room, he saw the film several times, and he got really engaged. Then he went off to do The BFG, and he was supposed to come back and watch it one last time, and he just said, "You know what? Colin's got it."

I had the final cut of this movie, like you're seeing my director's cut all over the world, and to give me that kind of trust is something I must have earned. He would never do it otherwise - he would have stepped in if things were going poorly. And the studio would be the same way - they were completely hands-off. I didn't have a studio guy on set giving me notes. I was given far more creative freedom than I ever should have had.

Now I think about it - God, they really took a giant risk, didn't they? [Laughs]

But the result is, man, that you get something that is a very pure vision from a couple of people - me, Derek, Steven, and the actors. I think we are responding, as moviegoers right now, after seeing Mad Max, especially, how great it is and how audiences responded to it, part of that is that you get to live inside the mind of this guy for two hours.

People, if they want to be inside that person's mind, if they're interested in what's in there, they'd much rather have that than something that feels like a manufactured, corporate product. Hopefully, people will see that there's actually a lot of money to be made in letting people create something that is pure.

Be sure to read the whole thing over on Den of Geek!

Lastly, one YouTuber recorded footage of Samsung's Vitrual Reality tour of Jurassic World, as part of their partnership with Best Buy and promotional marketing for the movie. This segment entitled Apatosaurus lets you watch and interact with an Apatosaurus. The environment is very lush and makes you feel as if you're on Isla Nublar yourself, witnessing these Dinosaurs in the flesh. It's quite a neat promotion and anyone can experience it for themselves, just head to your local Best Buy store before June 12th!

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