Jurassic World Movies

Bryce Dallas Howard comments on the direction of future sequels!

Scified2015-10-23 19:21:20https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/5952446148266867.jpg
Written by Matt2,535 Reads1 Comments2015-10-23 19:21:20

Jurassic World has been out on DVD for barely a week, however this has not stopped cast members from hinting at sequels. Today, an interview with Bryce Dallas Howard with the press outlet 'Blastr' was uploaded online to youtube via the BDHNetwork. This interview was conducted for the Press tour of the Jurassic World release on DVD. However, she said something I believe to be particularly significant in relation to future sequels in the Jurassic Park franchise. The full video is reproduced below:

What is significant is what Bryce comments in regards to the future Jurassic Sequels. She commented on the franchises future with the exact words "Dinosaurs are now potentially off the Island." This quote in particular is extremely interesting in connection with the end of Jurassic World. In the ending scenes of the movie, Henry Wu managed to escape the island with a helicopter full of embryos, flying off to parts unknown. In addition, the ending of the movie implied that the park was closed, indicating new directions for the story to go.

A mainland plot does provide several interesting paths in which a future sequel may take. Trevorrow has spoken before about the possibility of InGen losing its monopoly on the dinosaurs. In addition, Trevorrow has also teased the possibility of dinosaurs on the mainland before. A plot such as this could even be utilized to bring in such plot devices as Biosyn in.Let us know what you think in the comments!

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matt hummel

MemberCompsognathusApr-02-2019 1:43 AM

I love watching movies about Jura classic, it's so real and I feel like I'm living in that era. gta 5 cheats

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