Jurassic World Movies

Brian Tee Cast as 'Katashi Hamada' in Jurassic World!

Scified2014-05-01 14:52:10https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/brian-tee-jurassicworld-movie-casting-hamada.png
Written by Chris4,769 Reads8 Comments2014-05-01 14:52:10

A couple months back, a few preview script pages for Jurassic World leaked online. In them, a few character names were revealed. One of which, was named Katashi Hamada, a 52 year old, Japanese 'badass' (quoted from the script), who tells a story of pet snake and mouse to characters, Beth and Mr. Sourian. In the script excerpt, the dialogue revolves around the topic of "will a captive Dinosaurs eat live prey after being fed dead meat all its life". The conversation concludes by Hamada sharing his story about how as soon as the pet snake was fed a live mouse, it didn't want to eat anything else - insinuating that if the captive Dinosaur (with glowing red eyes) ever got a taste of living flesh, that it would forever seak out that instead of alternative food sources.

Today, the character of Katashi Hamada has a face and it's being portrayed by actor Brian Tee, who tweeted a photo today, from Hawaii, of him, standing next to his trailer with the word "Hamada" written on the door. Check it out:

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Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMay-01-2014 3:13 PM

Sweet. Looks like we may have our JP badass, something that JP 3 lacked.


MemberCompsognathusMay-01-2014 3:24 PM

Hmm, I suppose this "Red Eyed" Dinosaur, May be the New one every one keeps talking about?

spino the best

MemberCompsognathusMay-01-2014 8:20 PM

sound more artificial to me

jurassic park(1993) has more of like naturally protrayed by the actors





MemberCompsognathusMay-02-2014 12:04 AM

Nice, I can already see him telling that story about how you must not fed this animal anything alive!

I can see him slowly walking to the glass *puts hand on glass* and then telling with slow dramatic voice: Trust me.... you don't want this animal to taste anything alive.


MemberCompsognathusMay-02-2014 5:43 AM


Phantom Raptor

MemberCompsognathusMay-02-2014 5:52 AM

This is awesome news. I love this guy in movies!

He doesn’t look 52 though, but I’m sure he can pull off the Hamada character.

It’s about time they added a Japanese character to the JP universe. After all, a significant portion of InGen shareholders are Japanese, it makes sense to have a Japanese character that appears to have been involved with the corporation from the beginning... This should be interesting.

I’m willing to bet that the new dinosaur species with the glowing eyes is Troodon (I just hope they glow white or green like in the telltales game, and not red which seems a tad unrealistic).


MemberCompsognathusMay-02-2014 3:51 PM

I will not doubt that JP Needs to be more international, But If I recall correctly, Wasn't the actor who played Dr.Wu, From Asia?


Also, What if said creature Is pure albino?  (Which would cause the red eyes) There is a chance that Albino-ism (Thats probably a word) Existed in dinosaurs... 

Phantom Raptor

MemberCompsognathusMay-03-2014 9:58 PM

@ x_paden_x

That’s not what I meant. Jurassic Park doesn’t need to be more ‘international’; because it already is (we’ve seen characters from North America, Central America, England, India, Asia, etc... I’m not going to sit here and name them all).

What I was saying is that specifically a Japanese character with some dialogue is a good thing seeing as a significant portion of InGen shareholders are Japanese (It’s mentioned in the novel, but I believe we also saw some Japanese board members in the deleted board room scene, but all they did was raise their hands to vote Hammond out and allow Ludlow to take over and send the poachers to Isla Sorna). You don’t invest heavily in a company without assigning some of your own people to various jobs.

With the Hamada character, I get the sense that he has been involved with InGen from the early days, and he will give us some insight into how things operated in a specific part of the park – based on the leaked snippet of script (where he talks about the snake being fed live prey), my money is on him being in charge of dangerous animal control/quarantine or handling, something akin to Muldoon’s job...

B.D. Wong (Dr. Wu) is Chinese, not Japanese.

I don’t think I can make it much clearer than this; I’m not saying there needs to be a Japanese character with dialogue for the sake of being politically correct/inclusive etc. I’m saying it’s about time we had a Japanese character with dialogue because a significant portion of InGen shareholders are Japanese, and you don’t invest heavily in a company without assigning some of your own people to various jobs. It just makes sense.


Regarding your comments about albinism; that is the only instance where red eyes would be natural/realistic. Yes, albinism likely existed in dinosaurs, there’s no reason to think it did not. The other extreme (melanism) has been documented in dinosaurs like Microraptor...

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