MemberCompsognathusFeb-29-2020 12:15 AMFor sure the 3rd film has a huge amount of issues. Just a few of them include the downgrade in effects compared to the first 2 films, the simple rescue story, the infamous T Rex/Spino fight, “Allan!”, and that bloody irritating cell phone. But as with many poor films, once you get over the initial disappointment and re-watch the film there’s plenty to enjoy.
I said the effects were not as great as the first two (CGI was a bit worse and some of the animatronics were obvious) but that doesn’t mean they weren’t good. There was a genuine sense of danger in the film, that you were in a prehistoric land where there could be a man-eating monster around the corner. The film also has a natural look, like they were really running around on an island, adding to the immersion.

MemberCompsognathusMar-01-2020 6:17 PMI’d be lying if I said I didn’t like Chris Pratt... because he really is so damn pleasant. But the way he’s being used just feels like such a waste of his talent. The guy was incredibly funny on Parks and Rec. Marvel did a great job of seeing how that silly charm could be utilized for Starlord, unfortunately Hollywood got the wrong idea from the casting. Now he’s playing sarcastic ex-solder raptor trainers and it really feels like a kid playing dress up. He’s https://9apps.ooo/still charming as heck but I think his box office appeal is going to fizzle out fast if he’s not better used. https://solitaire.onl/

MemberAllosaurusMar-02-2020 6:38 AMwhat a comedic actor can't branch out in different roles?

MemberCompsognathusApr-01-2020 8:22 AMWent to pick up my last check and came back to a empty lot. In place they left a Lyft bike(bicycles you can rent). I’m just really angry and needed to vent but looking for any advice about going forward would be appreciated, happy quarantine!
Edit: Sorry for short post, I was on mobile and full of rage. I feel pretty hopeless about getting it back, plus I didn't have an insurance policy that covered theft. In the future, I will definitely include that in the insurance policy as well as recommend that to my fellow riders who hear my tale.
Edit 2:She was a beautiful black 2005 cbr 600 with gray flames and a yoshimura exhaust. I've only been officially riding three months. I still needed to put new forks on it. There was so much more I wanted to do. I remember taking her on highway 9 near Santa Cruz and overcoming my fear. She was my only and best mode of transportation. I miss her.

MemberCompsognathusApr-02-2020 6:11 AM
Went to pick up my last check and came back to a empty lot. In place they left a Lyft bike(bicycles you can rent). I’m just really angry and needed to vent but lo55 printing color copies for low costoking for any advice about going forward would be appreciated, happy quarantine!