Jurassic World Movies

BD Wong wants his character to die in Jurassic World 2!

Scified2015-10-21 11:20:30https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/6919525177348691.png
Written by Chris2,045 Reads1 Comments2015-10-21 11:20:30

Jurassic World came roaring onto Blu-Ray and DvD yesterday and since then, returning Jurassic Park actor BD Wong has spoken to IGN about his character's fate in the film's sequel, which is currently slated for June 2018. As much as we all enjoyed seeing Dr. Wu revived for Jurassic World, it seems BD Wong would rather his character meet his demise like he does in the original novel:

"I would be happy to return. Even if it's only to experience some cinematic version of the death Henry Wu experiences in the original Michael Crichton novel. That would be perfectly great to me to have a movie death like that on my reel. I would love that. It would be great."

In the novel, for those who haven't read Crichton's original, Dr. Henry Wu died at the hands... er, claws and teeth of a pack of Velociraptors and gets eaten alive. It would certainly make for an epic death, but certainly not one that could pass for PG-13 rated material.

When IGN asked if he knew where Jurassic World 2 was heading, Wong replied by saying:

"It's certainly not going to be 23 years later. There has been talk – and this only me as an audience member – I have no conversations with Colin at all. I don't know what they're talking about. But as an audience member, in the movie there's talk of using the dinosaurs for military potential. So perhaps that's a place where the story could go. To someone who deciding to use the dinosaurs for military training or something like that."

How would you like to see Wu's character handled in the upcoming sequel? Should his character live and create more abomination hybrid Dinosaurs? Or, should he meet his end in the maw of a hungry Velociraptor? Let us know in the comments!

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MemberCompsognathusNov-04-2015 4:46 PM

No! Don't die yet Henry Wu!!! We need a sinister villian. 

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