Jurassic World Movies

BD Wong denies a return in the Jurassic World Sequel

Scified2016-11-07 23:19:53https://www.scified.com/articles/bd-wong-denies-return-the-jurassic-world-sequel-10.jpg
Written by Matt8,386 Reads3 Comments2016-11-07 23:19:53

The first confirmed castings from Jurassic World 2 were revealed earlier today in a report from Variety. This led to speculation on whether any other returning actors from Jurassic World would resume their roles in the Jurassic World Sequel. 

Foremost among this speculation was of Dr. Henry Wu returning for the sequel. Wu was apparently set up for his story to continue as he escaped Isla Nublar with the embryos to parts unknown. However, BD Wong recently replied to a twitter user who wanted to know if he would return as the character:

It is true that Non Disclosure Agreements may prevent a actor from revealing their role in a twitter response. However, Jake Johnson also similarly denied returning for the sequel via a twitter response a few weeks ago.

If true, Henry Wu's absence will be incredibly felt in the movie. His character seemed to set up a conflict which brought up ethical issues regarding cloning. Wu's research regarding hybridization was also presumably gone with him on the helicopter as he departed the island.

BD Wong's departure if this is indeed a departure may have been foretold last year during a interview with CBR. BD Wong was asked if he could return in the sequel, and his response was thus:

"Sure – I mean, I guess there’s no harm in saying that! You never know what’s going to happen in that helicopter. It could just crash or something like that, and then that’s it, the end of it, and they don’t pick up with someone else. But yeah, I could see that. I would think that would be really fun. It would be fun to have a great death. Might as well go for it: Ask for a great death if you’re going to be the villain! And I don’t see why not. I have no other knowledge other than that, but I can’t see why not."

It is still unclear what the main plot of Jurassic World 2 is about, however Wu's influence may still be felt. His genetic breakthroughs may be explored in other avenues, and his research may be referenced but utilized in other ways. The sequel may be setting Wu up for a return in a third movie, however how it would do so is unclear. There is always the possibility that BD Wong is still under a non-disclosure agreement and is legally bound not to say anything regarding the film as well. 

Jurassic World 2 will be released on June 22, 2018. Bryce Dallas Howard and Chris Pratt will return to play Claire Dearing and Owen Grady in the film. Toby Jones and Rafe Spall will star in unspecified roles as well. The movie will be directed by Juan Antonio Bayona, who has directed 'The Impossible.

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Gee W

MemberTriceratopsNov-08-2016 12:01 AM

Perhaps he will have a role in the shadows, much like Dodgson in the first novel, and they don't want to spoil the fun by revealing his involvement? They set him up so clearly for a return that it would be strange if he didn't come back.


AdminIndoraptorNov-08-2016 1:59 PM

I'm quite surprised by this. I too, thought Wu was going to play a vital role in the sequel, having escaped Jurassic World with some specimens. I wonder if his casting will remain a secret for some surprise cameo role?


MemberTriceratopsNov-08-2016 7:13 PM

Interesting.  If indeed Wu is not in the sequel, it appears as though the Jurassic Park Franchise is still following what I call the "Character Rule of Two's".  Each major character in the franchise has appeared in no more than two movies so far:

Dr. Alan Grant - JP, JPIII

Dr. Ellie Sattler - JP, JPIII

Hammond - JP, LWJP

Lex/Tim - JP, LWJP

Dr. Malcom - JP, LWJP

Owen/Clair - JW, JWII

Dr. Wu - JP, JW

Interesting observation, no?  I'm not saying this is intentional by any means, but it is a pattern.  This is something I've noticed about the franchise for years, ever since JPIII came out when I was a ten.  In other words... a lot of my brain more dedicated to this stuff than it probably should be. :)

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