MemberCompsognathusMay-06-2014 10:17 PMI'm really starting to like this cast. We are getting some fresh new characters. I really hope thier wardrobes are as good as Alan, Ellie, Ian, Grandpa, Tim, Lex, Muldoon ex... If you look at the original character wardrobes they all wore a different color, and it just made the characters pop, and very reconizable.

MemberCompsognathusMay-07-2014 5:10 AMdam i just want jeff and Sam :(

MemberCompsognathusMay-07-2014 6:55 AMnever gunna happen. not in the first movie.
the most they'll get i think is a cameo or a reference. At the end of the day it would be good if they did get a mention. But i have a feeling neither will.
New characters is good anyway, as long as its explained why they are there, kinda contradicting the sentence before but maybe that could be where a connection is revealed to a previous character. Trevorrow is clearly using bits from the original as the pics leaked show old cars etc, so i cant see why their wouldnt be any character connection at all! well i hope there is .
As for the film didnt they say its going to be like a lord of the rings style storytelling in parts! where the film ends on a cliff hanger and you wait for the next part a year later? I swear iv heard or read that somewhere. Im behind that actually, it allows stories to be more in depth. Id quite happily watch Jurassic World for 9 hours in a marathon!!!!!!
just my ideas obv ur entitled to agree or not :) all the best let me know what you think.

Phantom Raptor
MemberCompsognathusMay-07-2014 9:27 AMThank God it's not Steve Carell...

Peter Zanetti
MemberCompsognathusMay-10-2014 5:43 AMNot the least bit excited about the cast, I must say. Vincent D'Onofrio and BD Wong are the only real actors in the entire thing, and they are far from the top 3 billed names in terms of screen time.
Chris Pratt as a main protagonist is a huge disappointment.
Bryce Dallas Howard is a terrible actress, so casting her as a lead scientist or Dino handler just sucks.
These are not the people I envision in such roles. I don't want people who can't pull off believable relationships with dinosauria If all the characters cant even pronounce the names and end up calling them by nicknames or something else equally stupid, I'm going to call out Trevarrow for that failure.

MemberCompsognathusMay-10-2014 4:36 PMPeter, u sound that you havnt really got a clue pal.
Spielberg chose goldblum, dern and neil because they WASNT A class actors at the time, the original film made them who they are today. No matter what any of them are in on another movie they will always be that bloke or that girl from jurassic park. Just because of how good they were in JP1 , countless of ppl such as harrison ford turned down the role of alan grant as sam neil wasnt first choice. And then spielberg geniously put the funding he would have spent on harrison ford into the special effects.
Spielberg turned these guys into well known actors and because of the love of the film ppl LIKE YOU havnt even tjought about any of this and what effect top billed cast would make.
dont be to hasty to pass judgment especially when the movie isnt even out yet. They could all be shit hot for all u know

Peter Zanetti
MemberCompsognathusMay-12-2014 5:57 AM???
Sam Neil was a phenomenal actor before Jurassic Park. Jeff Goldblum was a WELL KNOWN phenomenal actor. Richard Attenborough came out of retirement for it. You're way off the mark.
Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, and few of the others are Not "Unknowns" at all....They are modern PG-13 Queens, and they are not very good at all.

MemberCompsognathusMay-12-2014 12:57 PMSo much hate for the film and cast even before its release. I can't understand it. How can we expect the franchise to evolve if we do not give its makers credit? Would we rather have another lame excuse for a movie, like JP3 was, as long as we have the fab-three originals in the cast? I mean, at least for me, JP3 had such a poor plot (even though Neill was in it) that I felt sorry for Dr. Grant. Come on, guys, do we want a new JP or not? We have waited for this for 13 years and now that it is finally happening, people complain that we don't have this or that character in the film. We don't even know for sure what the plot is for sure. We don't even know what the makers intend for the future of the franchise. And all we seem to want is for the same old characters to find themselves trapped in the same situation forever! How stupid/foolish would those doctors be? When rumours surfaced of the possibility of JP4 being only a remake of the original film, there were people fainting all over the place: "I want a new story, not a reboot".
Of course characters such as Grant, Sattler and Malcolm were iconic and play important roles in our memories of JP. But we can't expect those people (characters) to be trapped again, and again, and again forever. Nobody would! I don't like Bryce Dallas Howard either and I don't think Pratt is Oscar material, but I am glad we are really and finally getting another JP movie in this lifetime and I am willing to give them a chance (even though I hated JP3's storyline).
I just wonder what the haters would say if Universal suddenly called off the whole project (again). Would they really be satisfied, just because Grant, Malcolm and Sattler were not in the plans once again?