Jurassic World Movies

7 New Dinosaurs Revealed on the Official Jurassic World Website!

Scified2015-02-26 17:15:24https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/4632634846413470.png
Written by Chris8,345 Reads5 Comments2015-02-26 17:15:24

The official Jurassic World movie website DInosaur index has been updated! Information and specs pages for Suchomimus, Baryonyx, Dimorphodon, Metriacanthosaurus, Edmontosaurus, Microceratops, and Pteranodon have been opened up and offer new images and renders of each Dinosaur. Check out each Dinosaur below and click each one's name to visit their information page on the Jurassic World website!








Special thanks to Gojira2k in the Jurassic World forums for sharing this update with us!

In related news, a new Jurassic World movie still was shared by the official @JurassicPark Twitter account this afternoon, showing a new look at Chris Pratt's character, Owen, with his quote from the trailer, issuing that the park be shut down following the breakout of the Indominus Rex:

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MemberCompsognathusFeb-26-2015 5:21 PM

I love the coloration of all these new dinosaurs! Especially the Baryonyx. I think Suchomums is my favorite.


MemberCompsognathusFeb-26-2015 6:38 PM

Just something I think needs to be pointed out, the Baryonyx, Suchomimus, Edmontosaurus and Microceratus are not models or renders of models. They are digital paintings, done by Julius Csotonyi. He said so on his facebook page. It's a bummer but I kinda doubt we'll see any of them in the movie, or at least how they look on the site

Peter Zanetti

MemberCompsognathusFeb-27-2015 5:54 AM

It is definitely disconcerting that these are digital paintings and not CGI renders at this stage. It very well may indicated that these dinos will not be featured.

I really do not want them to make the same mistake as previous films and focus all the attention on one small group of star dinosaurs.

I doubt much of the film will follow tourists on the Cretaceous Cruise, where many of these particular dinos are said to be located. How cool is it to have Baryonyx and Suchomimus on a river cruise?! They really need to get just a few seconds of screen time. Hopefully the boys find their way to river and run across these fish eaters.


MemberCompsognathusFeb-27-2015 12:05 PM

^It's not confirmed that they will not be in the movie. They could be in the movie, with maybe just a fleeting glance. Or even every dinosaur that is on the website could be in the movie. Maybe when Zach and Gray arrive in Jurassic World the movie shows them getting a tour of the park. That could give the dinosaurs some screentime.

Also here are some more photos of them:


Peter Zanetti

MemberCompsognathusMar-09-2015 7:06 AM


I know, and I am hopeful. It is just odd that all of the dinosaurs confirmed to be on camera in the film are represented on the site as CGI models, as they will appear in the film. Then this whole slew is a series of artist renderings. What is says to me is there have been no CGI models of the above created for the film. Much like half of Jurassic Park, half of Jurassic World's dinosaurs will never see the silver screen.

Trust me, I hope it doesn't end up being true. But this is a really good indication of it.

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