Jurassic World Movies

5 More Jurassic World Movie Stills & A New International Poster Debut Online!

Scified2015-05-26 13:40:43https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/7766920471436.png
Written by Chris2,030 Reads2 Comments2015-05-26 13:40:43

Even more Jurassic World production photos and movie stills have been released online! Not only that, but a new international poster for Jurassic World also debuted - this time featuring the moment the Indominus Rex breaks free from her paddock, chasing Owen (Chris Pratt). The new stills however give us some new shots, not seen before, of some of the cast as well as director Colin Trevorrow in action. Check them all out below!

New Jurassic World Movie Stills

New Jurassic World Movie Stills

New Jurassic World Movie Stills

New Jurassic World Movie Stills

New Jurassic World Movie Stills

And now, for the new international poster!

Be sure to let us know what you think in the comments section below. You can view ton of other Jurassic World images, posters, screenshots and more in the Jurassic World Image Gallery! Thanks to The Playlist for the stills and RTH for finding the poster!

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MemberCompsognathusMay-26-2015 4:21 PM

Poster not bad; eye catching enough. Just kinda ruined by the very clearly photoshopped Owen. Not a big deal i guess, as its not one of the main posters, the main Raptor squad one is my current favourite. 

What i do like is how it shows the size and height perspective it gives to the Indominus Rex compared to a human. A very big clever girl. 

Peter Zanetti

MemberCompsognathusMay-27-2015 7:45 AM

LOVE that poster, reminds me of the artwork on the trading cards that came with the first run of Kenner JP Toys more than 20 years ago.

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