Jurassic World Movies

12 New Screenshots Debut First Look at Jurassic World's Dinosaur Petting Zoo & Original Jurassic Park Visitor Centre!

Scified2015-05-13 09:51:30https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/4015047218093085.png
Written by Chris1,958 Reads3 Comments2015-05-13 09:51:30

Following today's extended Jurassic World TV spot, I've taken 12 screenshots of the new cut-scenes it featured. The biggest reveal was the first glimpse of the park's "Gentle Giants Petting Zoo" as well as new shots of the Gyrosphere tour and Mosasaurus Feeding show. The final clip does reveal a small portion of the original Jurassic Park visitor centre. For those who don't mind the mild spoiler, I took screenshots of that cut-scene as well. View them all below and view 200 more screenshots from previous Jurassic World trailers and TV spots in the Jurassic World Screenshots Image Gallery on JurassicWorldNews.com!

Jurassic World TV Spot Screenshots

Jurassic World TV Spot Screenshots

Jurassic World TV Spot Screenshots

Jurassic World TV Spot Screenshots

Jurassic World TV Spot Screenshots

Jurassic World TV Spot Screenshots

Jurassic World TV Spot Screenshots

Jurassic World TV Spot Screenshots

Jurassic World TV Spot Screenshots

Jurassic World TV Spot Screenshots

Jurassic World TV Spot Screenshots

Jurassic World TV Spot Screenshots

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Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusMay-13-2015 1:00 PM

Well, even a tiny section of the Visitors' Center is better than nothing.


MemberCompsognathusMay-13-2015 1:55 PM

I hope they're still tweaking the CGI in certain scenes. The animals could still use that last touch-up.


Gotta throw some dirt on those scales; make them less clean and shiney.


MemberCompsognathusMay-14-2015 3:22 AM

I wonder how that jeep got there in the first place... if they are in the atrium of course... If they are in the garage, then it's trivial because we know about 4 cars for sure from the movie (numbers 10, 12, 18 and 29) and from the numbers I assume there were 25 more (though why that many is a mystery to me, especially with Hammond's minimal staff mania :P).

From these cars, number 12 got stuck on a tree trunk by Nedry in the Dilophosaurus enclosure, number 10 lost it's top while chased by Rexy, then it was parked at the helipad next to the waterfall at the end of the movie. The other are, as far as we know, perfectly fine and must be in the garage (not counting Harding's jeep, wich was wrecked in Jurassic Park The Game).

But I think the garage must be underground, while the I-Rex seemingly attacks through a roof and for now we only know about the interior if the atrium for sure to appear in Jurassic World. So if they are in the atrium, how did that jeep got there? My only possible explanation would be, that at some point, they are without car, they find Nedry's jeep, manage to free it and it works, than they drive it to the old Visitor Centre and inside the atrium (maybe closely followed by Rexy :P), but if this is the case, than these jeeps must be godly, surviving 22 years in the jungle and still working.

What do you guys think?

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