MemberAllosaurusMay-28-2015 1:24 PMIts been a whole month, since the date i was betrayed by the Rebellion leader, "Gojira2k"
The endless war for defending the great Raptors, had come to a close.
I created a serum, that would give Super Speed to my soldiers. It was stolen, along with my troops and my whole squadron of Bomb cakes. I had kept one serum in my pocket just incase and injected it before i encountered Raptor-401, the demonic leader of the DAF.
Gojira2k shot me in the leg, forcing me to use my high metabolism to heal me and, i was forced to run away. I ran fast enough that i was lost in time. But i have escaped.
Hiding away some where i will never befound, i wait for April to return to the ground and the air. For that is when a reckoning will happen.
Although the endless war isn't supposed to be talked about in any other month besides Raptor awareness, the Rebellion is not dead.
Nothing will change the vengeance i will reap against Raptor-401, he will pay!
We will survive, i can promise that. We Will Survive. And i have one thing to say to the so called, "Leader" of the DAF.
You haven't won. Your dark dreams will never come true. Somehow, someone will succeed where I've failed. Until that day, live in fear. You will fall. We're only human but... but we will survive. We will survive.
Good grief.
Lord Vader
MemberTyrannosaurus RexMay-28-2015 2:04 PMYou don't tell the enemy about our weapons soldier. 2K is no longer a member of the Rebellion. If we discover any more spies, they shall be taken care of in a slow and painful manor.
Jack of all trades. Master of none