Primal King
MemberCompsognathusNov-25-2014 2:38 PMSo, as the title says, its quite obvious that the Jurassic World Raptors will be used against the D. Rex. However, will the Tyrannosaur? We didn't even get a glimpse of the T. rex, however, its been basically confirmed it will be in JW.
So do you think the King of All Dinosaurs will take on the deadliest Jurassic Park threat ever seen?
I would personally enjoy seeing the Rex just terrorize people for a while, and the D. Rex and T. rex don't even know each other exist. However, when the Raptors fail to contain the Diabolus Rex, they manage to move the Tyrannosaurus to the D. Rex's location and it ends up being an anti-hero, killing it.
Thoughts? Questions? Will the Tyrannosaurus Rex, King of all Dinosaurs, take on the supposed "upgraded version" pf itself? Would you want to see the King show that he still has his throne?
"If you can't see it... It's already too late."
-Jurassic Apocalypse (by Paden)

Primal King
MemberCompsognathusNov-29-2014 3:17 PM@Gojira,
WOAH. That sounds really freaking cool!
"If you can't see it... It's already too late."
-Jurassic Apocalypse (by Paden)

MemberCompsognathusNov-29-2014 3:21 PMRight? Maybe I should write it? What do you think?
"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self." - Ernest Hemingway.

Primal King
MemberCompsognathusNov-29-2014 3:25 PMWe should work together on it! I have a really cool idea!
"If you can't see it... It's already too late."
-Jurassic Apocalypse (by Paden)

MemberCompsognathusNov-29-2014 3:45 PMPM me and we can get started!
"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self." - Ernest Hemingway.

Primal King
MemberCompsognathusNov-29-2014 4:00 PMYou got it!
"If you can't see it... It's already too late."
-Jurassic Apocalypse (by Paden)

MemberCompsognathusNov-30-2014 9:59 AM401, The Tyrannosaurus death scene in JP3 was a major source of hatred for the movie. Thank's to google NGram it's easy to see that Tyrannosaurus is the most commonly mentioned dinosaur by a LONG shot. Many cannot even identify dinosaurs other than T rex or even confuse other theropods with T. rex
This very site's "Team Rex" is consistently over double team spino.
Jurassic World itself is still using Tyrannosaurus as a mascot
So I don't know about you, but it seems pretty likely that the general public do not want to see a dead tyrannosaur in a jrassic park film, and I doubt the director is willing to give critics a reason to compare this to Jurassic park 3.

MemberCompsognathusNov-30-2014 3:37 PMI don't want to see the same thing as the third with the D-Rex killing the T-Rex, That's old have the D-Rex do something else, killing the T-Rex to make something else look more badass is already old.

MemberCompsognathusNov-30-2014 3:37 PMI don't want to see the same thing as the third with the D-Rex killing the T-Rex, That's old have the D-Rex do something else, killing the T-Rex to make something else look more badass is already old.

MemberCompsognathusNov-30-2014 3:37 PMI don't want to see the same thing as the third with the D-Rex killing the T-Rex, That's old have the D-Rex do something else, killing the T-Rex to make something else look more badass is already old.

MemberCompsognathusNov-30-2014 3:37 PMI don't want to see the same thing as the third with the D-Rex killing the T-Rex, That's old have the D-Rex do something else, killing the T-Rex to make something else look more badass is already old.

MemberCompsognathusDec-05-2014 1:43 AMi thought rex was female so shouldnt it queen of dinosaurs :)

MemberCompsognathusDec-05-2014 1:55 AMRex will definately take on d rex its a little insane if the director doesnt do it, on top of that the logo seems to give off who would win thats my opinion

MemberCompsognathusDec-05-2014 10:30 AMPicture this:
D-Rex uses her camo attribute to escape her enclosure. She stumbles into the restricted area. Walks past the old T-Rex pen with the automated Jeep still there. Curious she nudges the Jeep then turns around. The Rex from JP is stood there and roars. A brief scuffle ends with the D-Rex slashing the eye of T-Rex with her claw. The Rex falls down the cliff. We see a close up of the Rex's face, shes hurt and an eye is missing. She closes the other one.
Cut to the Jungle:
Owen is leading the Raptor pack to hunt the D-Rex. Using the camo again the Diablous ambushes Owen and one Raptor. The Raptor makes the famous call. Two other raptors attack from the side and jump all over the D-Rex clawing and biting her neck. Owen scarpers as this happens fearing the Raptors will die then he will be next. The D-Rex dispatches all but one Raptor who follows Owen. The D-Rex gives chase. In the distance we see a distinctive 'head raise'. It's the JW T-Rex, she fights the D-Rex and loses, as the D-Rex pins her to the floor she ready's her jaws to bite the jugular. As she raises her head she is knocked sideways and falls. The JP T-Rex (with the eye missing) has smashed it the D-Rex. A fight ensues between the 2 T-Rexs and the D-Rex. After much fighting the JP T-Rex bites one of the arms off the D-Rex. The JP T-Rex suddenly collapses and the JW Rex takes a chunk out of the D-Rex's snout. D-Rex sprints off in agony. JW Rex licks the JP Rex's nose and the camera reveals a massive gash in it's neck (the D-Rex had scratched her with the huge claws as the Rex bit it's arm off). The JP Rex slowly dies whilst Owen watches from the bushes, the surviving Raptor appears cautiously and nudges the dead Rex's head affectionatly before sprinting off. The JW Rex roars loudly before taking off to follow the D-Rex......

Sci-Fi King25
MemberAllosaurusDec-05-2014 5:23 PM^ That was pretty good, but it was confirmed that the JP Rex is the JW Rex. (Also, have you heard @Silver_Falcon's idea about the Rex and raptors battling the D. Rex, and they push it into the mosasaur tank, letting the mosasaur kill it?)
“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

Community ExecutiveMemberCompsognathusDec-06-2014 10:58 PMhttp://raptor85.deviantart.com/
A couple of T rex.... a cute couple of them. the Drex will kill one of them and then the T rex will take on Drex in a way that..- I want to see that battle. .
now off topic and Im sorry for do it but is necesary and to Clarify, not all might be in the forum rules but that doesn't mean that what staff and admin says has not value, In fact an Admin said the S Vs R threads were going to be not allowed for a while, the admin word is the rule, Im sure you know this, Mr happy, but somehow as it seems is not so clear to you, from today you know apart of the forum's rules you must listen the advices and words of the admin.
^ sorry PK- and JJ REX: wow :D
The world will spin well past our last breath, but I will always care about you

Lord of the Spinosaurs
MemberCompsognathusDec-07-2014 7:16 AMIf a T-Rex by itself is going to kill a D-Rex, the T-Rex needs to take it by surprise, and I really mean that. D-Rex will probably have all of the abilities of T-Rex plus more. The Cuttlefish DNA could probably do some big damage, and if you think it is possible that it will hypnotize its prey than D-Rex will be even more powerful. I could list much more, though the thing is that I find it unlikely that T-Rex will kill D-Rex. Perhaps T-Rex and Spino could kill it working together, though I don't know if that will happen.
There is no such thing as a pure predator. A meat-eater is eit

MemberCompsognathusDec-10-2014 2:22 PMYes, they will probably face off. Considering that the D-Rex is a cross between T-Rex and raptors, as well as a few other things, I think they will use the two to defeat it. I think they will use the raptors to flush it out, the scene with Owen on his bike leading the pack, to out smart it. Then use the rex, the scene with, I forget her name, will use the flares to bring the Rex to the "battle field" and to finish it off. Maybe the raptors will soften it up for the Rex.

MemberCompsognathusDec-10-2014 4:32 PMSo based off of some posts, I am assuming T-rex will win.
- Redemption Tweet
- Main Logo
- Popular
- Team work?
But personally for me, I want D-rex to win. You're putting Fantasy vs Reality, pretty sure fantasy wins most of the time.
- Mega Hybrid
- Bigger
- The main focus or antagonist of the movie
Anyways, if it does make the T-rex fans happy tough, then let T-rex win. Cause Rex always wins and D-rex is just a fake dino, right? But seriously, JP3 was a good movie...stop hating just that scene. -_-
“Absence of proof is not proof of absence.”
― M. Crichton, The Lost World

MemberCompsognathusDec-10-2014 8:10 PM^ Wasn't the Rex Redemption quote for the Spino skeleton?

MemberCompsognathusDec-12-2014 7:50 PMI must agree I don't want to D-Rex kill T-Rex. I don't think he got a fair shake against the spino. That said, here's some food for thought. What if there's an epic battle between the two towards the end of the movie that takes place near the water enclosure. That ends in the aquatic animal getting a genetically created snack?

MemberCompsognathusDec-12-2014 7:50 PMI must agree I don't want to D-Rex kill T-Rex. I don't think he got a fair shake against the spino. That said, here's some food for thought. What if there's an epic battle between the two towards the end of the movie that takes place near the water enclosure. That ends in the aquatic animal getting a genetically created snack?

Spartacus Rex
MemberCompsognathusDec-13-2014 5:10 AMMy personal opinion is that we will definitely see a confrontation between the two and I suspect that this will make a relatively brief, but strong calling card for a T-Rex. So it will only appear few moments in the film, but the role it plays against D-Rex will be major, which I personally think will be about T-Rex killing the hybrid.
Now, the way I see this line developing (probably unlikely, but would definitely be a nice surprise if it does happen!) is this:
Owen and Raptors try to distract D-Rex from going to the public area where most visitors are, but after a struggle ensues, they fail losing few of the raptors in the process and Owen breaking his bike. Owen and the remaining raptors temporarily retreat and D-Rex goes off and somewhere on the way destroys the Spino skeleton (sort of hinting that its badder than the JP3 spino).
In the meantime, the female lead character of the film tries to lure "something" with the flare (that we see in the trailer) and we only know so far that it responded and followed her by making a growl and loud footsteps.
Owen manages to find the kids (who were already running from D-Rex like seen in the trailer) only to then be ambushed by D-Rex a few moments later, which reveals itself from its camouflage and it gives a chase. Soon after they cross paths with the female lead character, who was also running away but from something different. As they move aside from the scene, we come face to face with the JP1 T-Rex, who at first tries to snap at the fleeing humans (remeber - it is STILL a wild predatory animal and it has instincts!), but misses, then turns its head towards the hybrid and challenges the D-Rex on a duel by roaring and D-Rex responding with a roar and immediately charging at each other. Humans are finding it hard to completely flee the scene due to the lack of space (I mean why not?!). After a few moments of struggling back and forth, D-Rex gets the upper hand by eventually pushing the T-Rex aside and causing it to fall over. The wounded T-Rex is struggling to get up and D-Rex turns its attention to the humans again (i mean they are the prey, not the T-Rex, which is why it doesnt go off to kill the T-Rex for good - probably a mistake, but still!).
After giving another chase and leading the humans into a trap by forcing them to run near the wall/cliff, where it is a long way to fall into the water below, D-Rex prepares to feast. Before it does anything though, they hear a prolonged vocal from the wounded female T-Rex, which distracts the D-Rex from what it was doing and causes it to look around making short screeches and hisses, as if it started paniking or looking for something. Soon after Owen says something like "Oh-oh!" and one of the others asks him what happened and he replies "that was a distress call!" and the female character replies "oh boy!". During that short dialogue, we see a camera violently moving through the trees and some buildings, things breaking and snapping and heavy aniaml breathing, plus the footsteps (like a POV or FPS kinda view basically). And when the lady goes "oh boy!" and her eyes were almost bbulging out of shock/surprise from what she was seeing behind the D-Rex, the POV creature moves in quicker and quicker (charging) towards D-Rex.
When camera finally zooms in on D-Rex, we get a quick brief fading and muted sound and then see another T-Rex storming out with the camera showing its jaws wide open and charging and then locking onto the D-Rex neck (That's right guys - she was calling her mate and he responded and appeared). It drags it around violantly and breaks few other things in the process. Then it starts shaking it in different directions, but eventually the D-Rex gets free. Although free of the T-Rex grip, it was severely wounded and could barely maintain its guard. The T-rex charges again by biting its snout and breaking few bones and then it nudges the D-Rex off the edge, causing it to fall down to the water. D-Rex tries to climb out violently but as soon as it got above the water trying to make its way out the mosasaur jumps out and drags it off and we see it drag it into the water.
On top of the edge we see a T-Rex make a victory roar and going back to the wounded female.
Later on, we will be shown some shots with Owen talking in the background as the voice behind the camera. We hear him saying that the female T-Rex managed to recover from her wounds and we see a shot of her getting released from the truck and the male greeting her. The male is same as the JP3 rex, basically - lighter green and smaller than the fully grown ones from JP1 and TLW. Owen then explains (as we see the two T-Rexes petting each other) that they tried to breed the T-Rexes naturally by introducing a fully grown male before, but he was too aggressive and she would not let him mate, so after the male was showing too much aggression and starting to fight the female (sort of taking her by force), they decided to take it to Isla Sorna and release it into the "wilderness". The younger male was then introduced and she accepted him, but would still not mate, but he was not too agressive and she could subdue him, due to her being older and larger this time around and thus much easier to deal with than the fully grown T-Rex buck. Later on it is also revealed that she laid some eggs and they had an attraction with the T-rex Kingdom where visitors were able to see them hatching.
We then see the camera cut to the dude (Iffran Khan character) being arrested and so on for causing so many deaths and etc, company being taken away from him and given to a different person, while he was being taken away by the police.
Owen then says that although some tragedies did occur, many have been prevented and thus many families were relieved to know that their kids and so on were not hurt. And "as for my family" he then says, the camera cuts to him in the shot with young teenage raptors (from the surviving pair of the pack - if we assume that it was a mix of males and females) playing with him. Then he rides to the shed on the new motorcycle and comes in to the home where the female lead character greets him and shows him a paper. Upon seeing it they both cheer, hug and kiss, while we get a closup shot of the paper, which turned out to be a medical report confirming that she was pregnant.
Then he sort of says goodbye to us.
OKAY - this one wasnt JUST about T-Rex vs D-Rex, but i just wanted to explore this area a bit further.
So, before I have some of you throwing stones at me or whatever, I just wanted to make a few points here, that I think are pretty much covered in this piece I wrote:
- we get to see the original JP1 T-Rex
- we get a surprise appearance from a male T-Rex, and by defeating D-Rex, it sort of redeems itself after JP3
- D-Rex destroys spino skeleton by accident hinting on its superiority, while it was defeated by a T-Rex in turn (see the point above)
- by seeing the T-Rex couple reunited, we are getting a glimpse from the TLW scene as well (at the end)
- by being told that earlier on the male was acting too aggressive towards the female and fought her we are hinted on the scientific evidence showing the aggrssive behaviour inside the species
- by being told where the first male t-rex (the fully grown one, who was too aggressive) has been taken, thus referencing Isla Sorna as well
- by being shown how t-rex babies hatch and visitors being happy to see them, we are shown, that there is no need for a hybrid in the end
- seeing owen and female character together and getting the news of her pregnancy, we see a deeper emotional relationship between the characters
- and we see Jurassic World being saved and still running after recovering from the blow in the end
So, may be there is more here, but thats what I came up with. I know a lot of this might look cheesy the way I describe it, but with a proper approach and having professional script writers and director working on this material I have presented, it will probably look pretty amazing, but that is strictly my subjective opinion, so we CAN agree to disagree IF that is the case!
So I guess that's it from me for now ;)